Marianna Soper

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Will You Feed Jesus Today? Open to Serve

If we close our door to those in need, we have closed the door in the face of Jesus.“They also will answer, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?’"And he will answer, 'I tell you the truth, when you refused to help the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were refusing to help me.' Matthew  25:44-45Our “to do” lists and calendars, our children and our jobs can completely consume us if we are not careful. Are you the person in your home that makes life happen for its occupants? Meals, rides, vacations, games, shopping, etc… It’s all good stuff, but sometimes we have so much good going on that we have no time for those in need.If we find ourselves living a life too busy to serve others, perhaps we are too busy. Serving others does not have to look like feeding the poor in a soup kitchen, but it could. It doesn’t have to mean cooking a meal for someone who is sick, but it might. Serving means seeing a need and not ignoring it.Serving  requires a sacrifice on our part: our time, labor, or funds. Yet, in the midst of sacrifice we find ourselves communing with Jesus. We come to know him better because he was the sacrifice of God for us.Our culture can easily convince us of all the things we “need”. We can spin our wheels trying to acquire what our culture tells us we "need" . We overwhelm our schedules to help our children participate in activity after activity, but what if we miss what is really needed? What if part of the abundant life that God offers us is experiencing his presence as we serve?Where could you meet a need today? Who could you serve? If you are part of a local church, how could you be a working part of that body of believers? Is your heart open to those in need? Is your calendar open?