Trusting God: Being Open to the Unknown

Knowing all the details requires no faith. When we face the unknown, we reach out and hold onto the hand of God.Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do and he will show you which path to take. Proverbs 3:5-6 NLTWe want to know. We want details. We want a light at our feet to see what’s ahead. Maybe you are a planner who loves to have her ducks in a row. Get ready. God may dim your light a little to give you the beautiful opportunity to trust him.Are you open to the unknown God has for you? If the unknown seems dark and a little frightening, remember that God is already there. He is in the unknown waiting, and when you step out in faith, he offers you his hand to hold as you go. He will illuminate the path as you walk. Perhaps only one step at a time.Our need for control, our fear of this world and our own weaknesses can prevent us from opening our hearts to God’s unknown. If we wait until we have all the details and all the answers, we will never take the first step. More than that, we will miss experiencing the sweet love of our Savior as he leads and provides along the way.When our family said “yes” to adoption we moved forward with unanswered questions and an empty bank account. Yet, step by step we experienced the presence and provision of God. We can’t imagine our life without our two adopted children. Our faith in God grew in ways we could only imagine.Could you say to God today, “I am open to the unknown”? Could you just start your conversation with him each day with the word, “yes”? Just go crazy and say, "yes" before he even asks his question. An adventure into the unknown with him could be the best thing that ever happened to you! 


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