A little about me…


I'm so glad that you are visiting my website today! I assure you that I am just a regular girl. Probably a lot like you. In the midst of my crazy life, I am searching for a connection with my Creator and with community. My "about" has undergone major edits in the last few years. I have walked through deep pain and loss and come to know God in ways I could not have otherwise.

I'll call the posts written during that loss my posts "from the ashes". God in his mercy brought beauty from the ashes. I am married to a man who has also walked through dark valleys of loss. We have blended our families, completely depending on the wisdom and strength of God. In other words, we have no idea what we are doing! We have eight children of various ages, colors, and personalities. They are teens and young adults, each amazing in their own unique way. We certainly don't parent them perfectly. In fact, we don't know what we don't know. I am learning his two, and (bless his heart) he is learning my six. Together we will love them all.

I love to write. It's how God works things out in me. If his voice can speak through my mess to you, I am truly bewildered and blessed. I was once foolish enough to believe that I could do it all, that somehow I had the power to be all things to all people, all the time. I lived most of my life under my own unrealistic expectations for myself instead of the grace of God. Now, God's grace is the place I want to live and love from. It's also where I desire to write from. I hope you will meet me there - in God's grace.