Not Enough Time?

Some people wish for a money tree growing outside their window, but I would say that most woman would choose a tree that grew more time. I would definitely pick a few extra minutes for today. Would you?  Think about that. More time. How much would be enough? Two more hours, five? Would we ever really "get it all done?" Does our "to do" list end?

Why is this such a huge struggle in our culture? I say our culture because most of the world laughs at us and our drive to manage our time better. It's like we're obsessed with doing. The amount of the technology that we have engineered to help us "save time" is astounding. With all the gadgets, apps, microwave meals, and drive-thrus, guess what? We still only have 24 hours. We all have the same decision to make. How do I spend these hours I have been given today? The struggle lies in that question.

I heard someone say once that God gives us enough time to do what he asks of us. I wanted to ask, "then why is my laundry still piled frighteningly high and the floor sticky beneath my feet?" As I thought about that statement, it hit me that my list and God's list may not be the same. It's true that I have only so many hours in my day.  It's also true that there is always one more thing that needs to be done. Always. I feel so much pressure to balance it all, to take care of everyone, to finish, to do...Did Jesus put that pressure on me? Am I operating from his "to do" list, his calling on my life? How do I choose how to spend my time today?

This is what I know to be true. God created me for a purpose. He has plans for my life. He is good. I can trust him. He wouldn't ask me to do something, create me for that purpose and then not give me enough time to fulfill that calling.  The only way I can live without feeling frazzled, stressed, and overwhelmed, is to know what God is asking of me each day. I am beginning to understand that finding the answer to that is what brings me to the heart of God. When I come to him, seeking his plan, then I am in relationship with him. I'm with him. It's the seeking, the asking, the listening, the waiting. He pursues us because he wants us, not what we can do for him. When I depend on him for today's plan, I'm choosing relationship. He will show me how to live my day.
Come to me...Learn the unforced rhythms of my grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly. Matthew 11-28-30

How do you choose how to spend you time? I would love to read your comments. 


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