Lonely No More - Finding Real Connection

Sad hearts come in all colors, but perhaps the deepest blue is that painted by strokes of loneliness. Whether the painter was rejection, betrayal, or just a new stage or location of life, loneliness is hard.Any time we step outside of our beautiful design, we find pain, and we were not created to be alone. From our creation in the garden, God breathed breaths of connection into us. Before Eve's heart was formed, he spoke those words, "it is not good for man to be alone." Our creator himself walked in that garden with his children talking and listening.Not that we were all created for marriage- that is only one example of connection, but we are indeed designed to be together, souls walking this journey hand-in-hand. God's word teaches us over and over of the purposes of God fulfilled as we come together in prayer and in ministry.Yet, we all find ourselves at one time or another standing on our path feeling completely alone. Even in a room full of people who love us, even in a marriage, even in the midst of success, even as we parent a house full of children. Loneliness finds us all.I have walked through loneliness as you have. Whether it was during the difficult time after my first marriage was shattered, starting over in a new town, or watching friends walk out of my life, the feeling was the same. The pain of loneliness can be consuming.It seems that every time I ask the Lord, "what should I do when...?" I hear him whisper the same response to my questioning heart. He may have specific answers or healing awaiting me, but it all begins with, "Come to me. Abide in me. Seek first my kingdom."When I find myself feeling isolated for whatever reason, the answer is no different. Even if I feel separated from Him, my creator and Father, he whispers the same words. Come. Abide. Seek. He is the rock that is higher than I, the Shepherd who goes after the one, the friend who stays closer than a brother. Our hope is in Him, the one who does not change, the one who created us for relationship with him- connection.Jesus experienced loneliness, far deeper and more painful than we can imagine. He gets it. Isn't that what we want when we are feeling alone? In our marriage, our job, our struggles, our sickness, even in the midst of our consequences, we want someone to see us. We want someone to see us  and come sit with us, arm around our shoulders as we cry. Not alone any longer.Jesus is here.Often we go to our Savior as a last resort. We try to find connection in everything and everyone or we just sit in our loneliness as it quickly turns to self pity.The ache of feeling alone will begin to subside as we draw near to our ever-present friend, the one who binds up the brokenhearted and breathes life into what seems dead in us. The truth that we are not alone, when applied to our minds over and over begins to seep into our soul and restore us. Though we felt alone, we were not. Ever. And when we find our deepest intimacy in our connection with Christ, we live in hope and joy.Draw near to God and he will draw near to you. James 4:8You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. Jeremiah 29:13Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Deuteronomy 31:6


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