Crossing Paths with Jesus

A person plans his way, but the LORD directs his steps. Proverbs 16:9 [ISV]So many times in my life I have seen this truth in action. In the midst of my plans, God will step in and do his thing on my behalf, reminding me that I am in his care. Reminding me that he sees more of the picture than I can. Reminding me that he is actively involved in my present and future.Often God works through another person, crossing our paths for a moment in time.  From that unexpected intersecting might come the answers, wisdom, encouragement that I was searching for or that I did not realize I needed until that meeting.I'm not sure why I am so amazed each time I meet just the "right" person at the "right" time to have just the conversation that was needed. The creator of the universe can certainly arrange these things for me, but I am in awe when he does. I sense his presence and feel his hand on me, his protection and provision.A few weeks ago, I had one of those chance encounters and a conversation that brought needed clarity and next steps for our adopted son. I thanked God for stepping in on his behalf, for bringing relief to my anxious heart. I didn't know what was needed, where to go for answers, but He did.Each day you and I cross paths with people as we go about our lives, as we plan our way. As we shop for groceries, take our kids here and there, frequent the gym or the doctor's office, we encounter other people for maybe just one moment in time. What if we lived and moved with our eyes open to the possibility of God using us in those moments? His hands, his feet, his heart crossing paths with someone in need.We are easily distracted by finishing our plans, completing our lists, arriving at our destinations; but God often does his work in the unexpected conversations and interruptions along the way. He directs our steps, so we can look around the waiting room or the check-out line, the yoga class, or the soccer game and know that our Lord had his hand in the paths that meet there.He is always working and we are invited to join in. I believe his greatest work is accomplished along the everyday paths, in the midst of the normal.  We can change our perspective as we walk out our regular, ordinary days, asking what God is doing along the way, instead of focusing on the destination we had in mind. Will you quiet your soul when your path crosses another, anticipating God's hand to move?He may have a beautiful gift for you tucked away in a conversation at the pharmacy or the track meet. You may be the instrument he uses to encourage a broken heart at the grocery store.  Cross paths with Jesus today.A person plans his way, but the LORD directs his steps. Proverbs 16:9 [ISV] 


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