The Secret to Staying Steady Through Change

Change. Change directions. Change clothes. Change your mind. Make a change. I can't change. You'll never change.Change can be an enemy or a friend. We either love it or hate it. It can come as a welcome relief or a frightening intruder that throws life out of balance.  One thing is certain- it's coming.Some of us truly struggle with change. The familiar is comfortable and safe. The usual is not threatening. Change is scary because we can't see it yet, so there is uncertainty. Like walking on a dark path, we don't know what is ahead, where to place our next step.It's the not knowing that freaks us out. The unknown.If your path seems dark today and you are too afraid to take the next step, or maybe you are refusing to take the next step because you can't see the destination, here is some truth to light the way. God sees you and he's got this.Change can come at times without warning and doesn't ask permission before crashing through our lives. A spouse can leave us, cancer can invade our bodies, jobs are suddenly lost, a loved one dies. What was our "normal" is now wrecked and broken. Life is just not the same. If an unwelcome change came into your life, you are left without a choice. You must find a new normal. God sees you and he's got this.Whether change broke into your house or stands at your door knocking, God sees you. He sees down that dark path. Maybe you have forgotten that he wants to walk with you, to give you his word which is a lamp for your feet and a light on your path [Psalm 119:105].  He's got this. Not long ago, we changed we changed insurance providers. I was being told that our dentist and pediatrician did not accept our new insurance. I freaked. I knew these doctors well and they knew my kiddos and I felt myself begin to panic. I was frantically making phone calls in full flip-out mode.I was in my van and the Lord somehow got a word in between my conversations, and hushed my spirit. He reminded me that he was in control of this and that he had no plans of taking his hand off my children. This change had not thrown him off guard and he was not scrambling for a plan B.Over the next month as our insurance saga continued, I chose to trust the Lord. My children were without coverage for over a month. That was six months ago and all is well.God is not the least bit worried about the insurance. He wants my trust. I believe he allows us to live in an unpredictable world so we will have opportunities to trust him. Control is just an illusion. We fight to keep something that is never truly in our grasp.  God sees you and he's got this.Sweet friend, you may have change knocking at your door today; the kind of change that leads to a God-sized dream. It's your choice. I read recently that there are two kinds of pain- risk and regret. (Holley Gerth). Welcoming that change into your life might take all the courage you've got. It's risky. If that change, however, was sent by God, you can open the door afraid and know that He sees you and He's got this. Courage is not the absence of fear but moving forward despite your fear.Change can be the catalyst for real spiritual growth. As we walk through times of uncertainty, we can draw closer to our Savior for wisdom and comfort. He sees us and he's got this.Your word is a lamp for my feet and a light on my path. Psalm 119:105


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