Marianna Soper

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Adopted by God: His Dream for You

Dreaming is allowed in God’s family.Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart. Psalm 37:4My son often cried over writing assignments. He hates writing. It’s torture to him, something difficult and boring. For me, however, writing is a passion, and I dream about one day writing a book. I believe that God put that desire in my heart.What is that you are passionate about? Do you think God gave you that passion? Is this a season in your life that God is giving you freedom to pursue your dream? I know that when I had small children, the only thing I had time to write was a quick prayer in my journal at night before I crashed.God has created you so uniquely and has given you unique opportunities. Whatever he has gifted you to do, he can use for his glory. We easily forget that we are God is our loving father and fathers love to bless their children. Father’s love to cheer their children on as they dream.Some of my kids are truly gifted artistically, and I have found myself with a lump in my throat and my eyes brimming as I see their gifts on canvas. My son hopes to pursue art as a career, and nothing would make me happier than watching him using the gift God has given him. I pray that he gives all praise and glory to God along the way.What dream is resting within your heart today, waiting to be realized? Bring your dream before your Father. Let him do his thing in you and through you. It’s okay to dream. Really.