Letting God Write Your "To Do" List

Letting God write your “to do” list today could change everything.For I alone know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord…  Jeremiah 29:11 For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.  Ephesians 2:10We have been adopted into God's family, as his sons and daughters. We have a father, one who is wise and we would be wise to listen to Him, to seek out His plan for us, right?Being open to God’s plans goes against everything in us. Assuming you might be a control freak like me. Do you have a list today? Does it have little boxes to check? I love those! Yet, life is full of interruptions.I remember as a young mother, living three states away from any family, I had a friend who would often offer to watch my kids for me. She was a busy lady, but she had this great thing she did in the mornings. She would go to God asking for him to write her “to do” list for the day.When we go to God and open our hearts to his plans, we become a blessing to someone. When we ask God to show us his plans for us, we are surrendering to something beautiful. How many times have I ran out the door to conquer the world, yet missed what God was doing around me?It might have been a life-changing conversation that I missed while I cleaned my house. Perhaps I said yes to errands but said no to a visit with a lonely widow. Maybe cleaning my house or folding laundry is exactly what God has for me today, but I believe he wants me to ask and find out before I get out the basket of clothes.It’s really all about surrender. We surrender our plans to God. We lay down our “to do” lists and our calendars at the feet of Jesus and acknowledge that his plans are better and that his will is our greatest desire. Surrender seems hard, but it’s a pretty good trade for the abundant life we are offered in exchange.Are any of our plans greater than walking with God down the path he marked out for us? Would you be open to asking God to write your “to do” list today?


Adopted by God: His Dream for You


No Longer an Orphan: Enjoying God's Provision