Real Rest for the Soul

We are only truly at rest when we are truly trusting.Don’t fret or worry. Instead of worrying, pray. Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns. Before you know it, a sense of God’s wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down. It’s wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life.  Philippians 4:6-7 The Message We all long for rest from our busy days and busy minds. Rest from the overwhelming schedules we keep and the expectations we are given. Rest can seem like it's something always on the horizon but never close enough to touch.Trusting is resting. Worry is work.How can we trust God in the midst of our chaotic, busy, demanding lives? After all, if we quit paddling to rest, this whole ship is going down, right? Actually, we are just not that important. Our Lord is actually holding it all together. He's got this. If he has asked us to stop worrying (which he has), and if he has invited us to come to him if we are weary (which he has), and if he has told us that he has a plan for us (which he definitely has), then maybe he can be trusted to keep our little boat afloat. (For sure!)If we are living in a constant state of mental and emotional exhaustion, perhaps even physical exhaustion, we may have either taken on something that was not from God's hand or be trying to accomplish it all in our own power. Are you carrying a burden that he never ask you to carry? Have you committed to something that he didn't ask you to do? Are you possibly saying yes to everything because you don't know the one thing you ARE supposed to be doing? Are you trying to juggle to much in order to keep people happy or gain their acceptance?Pray. Ask God, "What is it that you want me to be doing? What am I worrying about that I just need to pray about and entrust to you? What am I doing that needs to go because it's too much and not from your hand?Let Jesus displace the worry at the center of your life.   


Worry is a Thief


Adopted by God: His Dream for You