Marianna Soper

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Focus is Everything: Stop Whining and Start Celebrating.

Adjust your Focus

If you have ever shot pictures in the manual setting, you know that the focus is up to you. Our smart phones and digital cameras take care of that for us completely, or maybe with a tap of our finger on the area we want the clearest. Aiming our camera is one way to focus, but what about the focus that we need to achieve our goals or truly make a change? Focus is everything. We are shooting in manual girls. No one is going to focus your life for you.I am discovering on my 21 Days to Good to Me journey, that I have two choices as I take care of myself.  It is easy to focus on the comfort that I am giving up instead of the much needed TLC I am giving myself. Some changes I am making could dramatically improve my quality of life.I can focus on what I cannot eat or I can focus on the love I am giving my body by choosing foods that could change my health for the better. I can focus on the ever present to-do list that I am skipping or on the results I will get from walking three miles instead.  I can focus on my faults and imperfections or I can focus on one good thing I see in myself today and write it down in celebration. I can focus on the Netflix binge I'm missing or the favor I am doing myself by getting the sleep that I'm choosing for a healthy life.Focus is everything.What will you focus on today? Choose life and every choice that you can make to increase the quality of your life. Don't whine about what you're missing, celebrate what you're giving yourself the TLC that it needs.

Today's Good to Me Challenge

Grab a blanket, lay out under the stars and thank God for the life that you have. Focus on Him. Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Romans 12:1