You want real change? Then take on a real challenge!

Challenges Bring Change

Change is hard. When we turn away from what is comfortable, we face challenges. Yet, unless we face those challenges, we will never experience  real change.Seven days ago, I decided that I wanted to take care of myself. I wanted change. The past week has been challenging as I chose to say no to the things that brought me comfort. Instead I said yes to things that were hard but beneficial. I focused on being good to my body and mind.


Do you know what I found? Victory! I began to feel confident as one good choice led to another. I laughed more and stressed less as I took a few moments here and there to breathe and to do something kind for myself.So here we go into week two tomorrow and I'm ready! If you are late to the party, we are on a mission: 21 Days to Good to Me. Join us on this journey! There are two weeks left and I can't think of a better thing you could do for yourself and those you care for than this. Don't buy into the lie that you don't have time to take care of yourself! We are answering this question as we go, "If you don't take care of yourself, who will?"

Your Best You

Today at our church we honored first responders- men and women who put their lives on the line to protect and save ours. I'm sure they would agree that their ability to help others is directly impacted by their own physical and emotional health. You and I are no different. We can better serve our families and businesses, our community and our churches if we are well.One of the ways I am challenging myself is to make time for 20 minutes of exercise each day. It's tough, but I think we will face tougher challenges if we don't pursue fitness. I'm not a health and nutrition blogger, but I think you and I both know that so much of chronic disease in our culture could be prevented by better health choices.  Our bodies are amazing creations, gifts from our creator. How we take care of our bodies can be a gift to him.My seven days were not perfect. I struggled with getting eight hours of sleep a few nights and missed one day of exercise, but I'm still here pursuing change. I hope you are too!

Today's Good to Me Challenge

Plan a night this week to cook your favorite healthy meal. Really. Put it on the calendar and buy the stuff! PBJ's for those who don't like it!   


Focus is Everything: Stop Whining and Start Celebrating.


Not Sure Where to Begin Your Health Journey? Start with This Simple Change!