Tom Cruise, Flower Gardens, and God's Glory

 Hot pastor always plans a great vegetable garden. He loves going to pick out seeds, getting his hands in the dirt, and watching it all grow. I love that. Unfortunately, his lovely garden was overrun by weeds during our vacation, and it never quite recovered. We did enjoy some strawberries, tomatoes, and cucumbers, but it wasn't what my green-thumbed man had planned. Bless him.

I do not have a green thumb. I have a killer thumb. Besides the dill, oregano, and rosemary in my little herb bed, I have not managed to grow anything of significance.

One day in late summer, I was searching for a few tomatoes in the scary weed world. Right in the middle of one of the tomato cages was a bright pink flower! I love happy flowers, so I quickly  picked it to bring inside. Not long after that, I noticed more flowers. They were taking over the dead veggie garden. Even the weeds had died at this point, and what was once a  mess was becoming something beautiful. 
Who planted these flowers? We could not take credit. Our plans were dead, brown, and ugly. Somehow, a seed, carried by the wind or a bird, or the mean squirrels that ate some strawberries, made its way to our raised bed of weeds. 
I have been cutting flowers for two months now to brighten up our house! I made sure to cut a bunch before the first frost. Even after the frost, they lived on. Ready for my huge revelation? Whatever God does is so much bigger and more beautiful than my very best plans. (or hot pastor's)

I live up to the indian name given to me by my husband after watching the movie "Dances with Wolves". I am Busy Squirrel. (his name is Slow Bear.)

I'm a doer and a fixer. I've got a plan and a list and I know how to use them. Ideas? A factory of them is running at full speed inside my brain!

The trouble I run into is getting ahead of God, and doing life on my own. The result? Weeds.

If I can still my gears and wheels that are turning, and my anxious heart that fuels them, and actually listen for the voice of God, he lets me in on what  is doing. Crazy, but he invites me to be a part of it all! 

This funny clip from one of my favorite movies kinda sums it up- the whole doing life on my own thing. You should watch eight seconds of this to see why in the world Tom Cruise is in my blog today.   Knight and Day 8 sec clip

The one thing I don't want to miss in this life is God's glory- the beauty of who he is and what he can do. Sometimes there are ideas, dreams, plans that the Lord himself has planted within us. As we live out those dreams, we feel God's pleasure, we hear his confirmation over and over. That's called our "sweet spot." Where our unique giftings and experiences are used by God to bring him glory.

I know it's hard for some of us, but quieting our hearts and listening to our Father is so much better than a weedy life! I believe that there is something uniquely designed for each of us to do. Let's be still and listen for his voice. Let his wind blow seeds of beauty into your life. What he grows is amazing!

Psalm 46:10

New International Version (NIV)
10 He says, “Be still, and know that I am God;
    I will be exalted among the nations,
    I will be exalted in the earth.”

John 15:5

New International Version (NIV)
“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.


How I Know He Loves Me


Another LOL Friday!