Plans for Your Pain- Allowing God to Repurpose

Repurposing has become very trendy. Personally, I love it because it takes creativity to take something that is broken or no longer useful and give it new life. I recently saw a broken sewing machine at a junk store- the wood cracked and broken. I asked the store owner if I could buy just the wooden drawers from the cabinet. Five dollars later, I had cute shelves for my kitchen. Score!

Have you read the story of Joseph? Not Mary's Joseph, the one with the cool coat. Maybe you can relate to his life in some ways. Ever been betrayed or hurt by your family? Ever acted like a jerk and made your family mad? Have you ever been accused of something you didn't do? It would make a great movie, his story. 

If most people who know the story were asked to sum it up in one phrase, most likely it would be his statement to his brothers, "As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good..." God is the master of repurposing.

Joseph's days got really dark. From the pit he was thrown into by his brothers, to the jail cell he sat in as an innocent man, darkness was part of his journey. I am amazed when I see someone walk through hell and come out praising God. How did Joseph not become bitter and seek vengeance? He let it all go and found God's purpose in his pain. 

It is true that God wastes nothing, suffering included. With the love of our creator, our dark times can become stories of triumph, testimony to God's faithfulness and provision.  One thing becomes necessary. Our surrender. Surrendering our stories of hurt, betrayal, and suffering is difficult, because without forgiveness it's impossible. 

Joseph saw God's plan for repurposing his pain. He forgave his family and shared the amazing love of God with them. I am praying this for another Joseph today.

Our adopted son turns nine today. We gave him Joseph as his middle name for two reasons. One, it's hot pastor's first name. Second, we knew that God was repurposing his life. What the enemy meant for harm, God meant for good. Our precious son had been through darkness. He had suffered pain and extreme loss. Just like Joseph, he lost his family. He was punished at an orphanage in ways no child should be punished. He was laughed at because he couldn't run like the other children. Darkness is part of his journey.

I pray for him and for you today that you would see God's plan for good. I pray that our son will surrender his pain, forgive, and allow God to repurpose it for His glory. I can just see God overwhelming the world with his love through the story of an orphan playing professional football! Triumph! God will be triumphant in this world, and your story can bring him glory. Will you surrender your dark days to him? 

For I alone know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord; plans to prosper you, not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11


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