Did You Get What You Paid For?

Ever been deceived by an advertiser? Bought a product that didn't quite live up to its claims? We bought a pair of boots for our daughter last Christmas that didn't make it through the season before the sole completely pulled away from the boot. The house we live in was not built with integrity. The corners cut by the builder to put more money in his pocket have cost us money every year. I could do some ninja moves on that guy!

Purposefully deceiving people is a way of life for so many manufacturers. Empty promises. Lies. When you finally find a company that stands by its products, you become a loyal patron. Hot pastor loves REI for that reason. It may seem expensive at first glance, but REI will replace any of their products without question. I hear "you get what you pay for" from my husband quite often, and  "if it sounds to good to be true, it probably is."

We are all shopping for something, spiritually. We are pushing our shopping cart through the world trying desperately to fill it, only to become victims of false advertising and faulty merchandise. We are deceived and lied to daily. Our enemy convinces us, much like the advertisers, that we NEED something. If we only had it, then we would truly be happy. Satisfied.

Dangerous word. Satisfied. Like drinking a soda when you are thirsty. It doesn't satisfy, but makes you thirstier. We are created with a spiritual thirst, an empty cart. All this world has to offer looks appealing, but we are purposefully deceived. It's faulty merchandise. Junk. We fill our carts only to find them empty again and again.

Clothes, cars, houses, make-up, food, relationships, success, busyness, children, Facebook followers, likes, retweets, and even plastic surgery. All promise to satisfy. None deliver. It's like pouring water into a shopping cart! We think we are filling it up, but it remains empty.

We can chase after satisfaction our whole lives without finding it. The longing is there, lovingly designed by our creator as way to lead us to him. He knows that we are only complete in him, that real fulfillment is amazing, an incredible gift. He stands by his word. Finally, promises that we can trust. It sounds too good too be true, but it is. Really.

Ephesians 3:19-21

New American Standard Bible (NASB)
19 and to know the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled up to all the fullness of God.
20 Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think,according to the power that works within us, 21 to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations [a]forever and ever. Amen.

Rainy Days and Mammograms Always Get Me Down


Plans for Your Pain- Allowing God to Repurpose