Hormones- Monster from the Deep

How can I be godly when there is another woman, a much uglier, vile form of myself trying to take over my life each month? She is easy to recognize. She is bloated, broken out, and frazzled. Her perspective on life is dangerously skewed. Although all may be well, she sees no hope in life. Her family are strangers to her, irritants, even enemies. Small problems are blown waaaaayyyy out of proportion!

Depending on our age, some of us are deep in the trenches of this war against hormones. Once, my husband suggested I find a hobby. Bless him. The first thing that popped into my mind was cage fighting. He backed off. Seriously, he has been super understanding and patient. I recognize it for what it is, and then I let him know where I am. I apologize upfront for the storm that is approaching. I remind myself over and over that life is truly good and this will pass.

There is help available for some of us, whether you have PMS or if you are facing "the change". I have had saliva testing done, use biodenticals, and I exercise regularly. There are nutritional changes we can make to support our body through these changes. There is medication as well, and if that is the only option for anxiety and depression, then let's be thankful for it. As women, wives, mothers of frightened children, we should do our homework, make the changes needed. Yes, it's more of a struggle through this season to experience "abundant life," but not impossible. Don't throw in the towel. Google. Talk to your doctor. Know that you are not alone. God is still good and still wants you (green monster and all!)

5 Things You Can Do 

1. Exercise. Proven to help!
2. Stay connected with Christ.
3. Drink water. Lots. (1/2 your body weight)
4. Stay away from toxins and packaged/unhealthy foods.
5. Take supplements recommended for healthy hormonal balance.

Here is a great link! Worth reading.

For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. 
 Psalm 139:13-14


Laugh or You Will Cry


Venting. It's a hot topic.