Did You Let a Dream Die?

I love Psalm 139, David's words, "you knit me together." I'm not a knitter, but I tried it once. Since I have issues with details and sitting still, it just didn't happen for me. My husband, hot pastor, got one of those Nifty Knitters for Christmas and made me a nice hat. Weird, yes. If you can imagine the Brawny paper towel guy knitting, that's an accurate picture. The man loves details, reading instructions, and making stuff. It works for him.

Knitting is very purposeful, thoughtful, a long process.

When David said that God "knit" him together in his mother's womb, he knew that God had a purpose in mind for his life. God doesn't mass produce people. Each is a unique creation, a work of art. You can buy a poster of Justin Bieber at Wal-Mart for five bucks, but an original painting by a gifted artist is much more valuable. Looking outside my window right now at the leaves changing colors, I consider God's art an unbelievable masterpiece. Ponder that as you read in his Word that we are much more valuable than nature, the flowers of the field, the birds. It is true what David wrote, "I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Your works are wonderful."

So glad he didn't make these for me!

As a purposed creation of God, I am unique.
My gifts and talents are not the same as my knitting, lumberjack pastor. Our purpose, our passions and dreams were knit into us by our creator.  I don't share his dream of living off the land in Alaska and killing a bear with my bear hands. He doesn't get all excited about meeting a friend for coffee or reorganizing the pantry. We celebrate our differences, and we try to encourage the purpose and dream that God knit so perfectly into each of us.

Has God placed a dream deep inside you that has not come to life yet? For us girls, our role as wives, mothers, nurturers sometimes consumes our lives. Dreams? Who has time? My amazing husband lived out one of his dreams this year. He has such a love for God's creation, for being in it, enjoying it, accepting its challenges. He has dreamed of hiking the Appalachian Trail for years. Finally, he just put it on his calendar and did it. God met him there, and it was a life-changing experience. Seeing someone living in their "sweet spot" is beautiful. I didn't resent him for being gone that week. I wasn't jealous. The joy he received encouraged me to do the same, to pursue the dreams God had created in me.

Since I was young, I have loved to write. As a teenager, I enjoyed public speaking. I have this crazy desire in me to teach other women. In August, as my kids went to school, I became restless. Deep inside there was a question . "Is there something else I'm supposed to be doing?" I was finally at a place in my life where I felt God's freedom. I was living in his grace, and not on the treadmill of "getting it together." I had not felt the freedom to pursue my dreams. It was time. God made it super clear that it was time to take a step toward that sweet spot. Writing, teaching, encouraging other women. I cannot begin to tell you the joy that has been mine since I began this blog! My sweet husband loves to see me living this out, God using the gifts he knit into my soul. Is there a dream in you that you're not pursuing? If it's God's in it, there is joy on the other side.

For we are God's workmanship, created (knit together) in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance (knit into us) for us to do. Ephesians 2:10


Let's Be Honest!


Can Anyone Hear Me?