Blind to Blessing

I am enjoying a blessing today, a surprise really. This is not the day I planned, it's better. To truly soak it up is the challenge, to be thankful and celebrate in the midst of the "to do" list that I made two days ago, and the laundry that's piling, and the books that need reading...

If every good gift is from God, there is much to celebrate. This whole month is thankfully themed, a reminder to recognize all the gifts. In our culture we fight that desire for "more." More becomes the enemy of celebration. It really is about perspective. My adopted daughter never had a toothbrush, shoes,  or even underwear. Yet she speaks of her childhood with her family with smiles and laughter. Now, after living in America for two years, she won't drink water without ice and "needs" some trendy boots that the other girls have.

Our perspective along with the breakneck speed at which we pursue success for ourselves and our children doesn't leave much room for celebration. Most women I know would love a reprieve from the busyness. Phrases like "simplify your life" are so appealing, yet so out of reach. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting different results. If our souls are aching for time to breathe, time to worship and celebrate God's goodness, then it is up to us to create space in our lives.

I don't know what that looks like for you today. For me, it means ditching the to do list and enjoying a blessing. It means worship and prayers of thanksgiving. The freedom that I have today to do that is a gift as well. Maybe I will begin a list of 1000 gifts like the amazing book I read by Anne Voskamp. Perhaps I'll pray and ask God for new perspective so that each day I clearly see those gifts from him.

I pray you find time to celebrate God's goodness today, in your commute, in your journal, in your prayer time, with your children, beginning a list, however you choose. The gifts are there decorating your life, showing you the love of your creator and savior.

James 1:17

New International Version (NIV)
17 Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.

Psalm 118:29

New International Version (NIV)
29 Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good;
    his love endures forever.


He Doesn't Deserve My Respect!


How I Know He Loves Me