You are Not Alone

Some of us grew up in such love and security that we had the confidence to try new things, to be ourselves, to navigate tough days with courage. We had hope and moved forward because there was someone in our corner, cheering us on, providing for our needs, believing in us.  There are some of us, however, who didn't have that safety net of support to fall into in times of hurt or failure. Imagine yourself as a trapeze artist in a circus without a net below.  Was that you?  Two scenarios play out here. Without that net to trust, some of us are paralyzed by fear and cannot take risks or trust. The other belief is this; since I'm alone, I have to take care of myself.

Two examples. Our adopted son lives his life through the lens of fear and rejection. His net was pulled out from under him. He is learning to trust again, but it's not easy. Anything new is scary. He assumes the worst in himself, others, and situations. We live each day trying to remind him, show him that he is not alone. I ask myself, "how can I let Jesus be my son's net through me today?" His wound of abandonment runs deep, and a small disappointment can tap into that hurt. He is still a victim.

Then there is me. I grew up without a consistent net. Some days it was there, some days not. I began to live my life realizing I could not depend on others, so it was up to me. I was determined to be strong, I had to be responsible for myself. I was an excellent student, motivated and disciplined. I had to succeed, hold it all together on my own. I thought that the approval and praise of those watching could be my net. I became a self-reliant people pleaser, always trying to do more and be more.

My son and I both felt alone and afraid, but we dealt with it in different ways. The truth is that neither of us are alone. We never have been. Once I was able to look back and see the hand of God in my life, I saw that there was a net. I could fail and fall because he was there, cheering me on, believing in me, providing for my needs. We have hope for our son that he will trust Jesus to be his net so that he can live his life with confidence and joy. Just like we remind him of the love in his life, I have to remind myself that I am not alone. I can't do this on my own, and I don't have to try. I just need to trust. He's got this.

Are you living today like an orphan, as if you are on your own? Are you a victim living life out of fear and hurt? Or are you exhausted from living life on your own strength? We have a Father. He is our net. It's okay to fall and fail. Just trust.

I will not leave you here as orphans; I will come to you. John 14:18

To him who is able to keep you from falling and to present you before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy - Jude 24

Thank you Lord for your faithfulness, for never leaving us or failing us.


Do You Feel Like You're Never Enough?


How do you deal?