Marianna Soper

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Worship for the Busy

How do you worship? To be honest, I save most of my worship for Sunday morning. I don't remember learning about worship as a young believer, but now I understand that Worship is so much more than singing on Sunday morning.So why don't I worship more? Life. I let life, busyness, and "to do" lists take over my heart.Worship is how we offer ourselves each moment. An offering. We offer our thought life, our work, our attitude, our mothering, our friendships, and our time.As a new week approaches, I want to still my mind and heart enough to acknowledge God in all of life. I want to worship him, not his gifts. I want to be thankful for his provision, but know that each good gift is a reflection of who he is.I don't want to worship my children. I want to worship the Creator who has miraculously placed each one in my life to reflect his love. I want to marvel at His workmanship, not pride myself in their accomplishments. I want to point my awe to Christ Jesus so that my children never fill pressured to be great for me.IMG_0156I want to sit under his blue skies, feel his rain and praise him, not the creation. I want to praise him, because his creation is simply a partial reflection of his beauty, his strength, and his faithfulness. His full beauty I cannot even take in on this side of heaven.IMG_2277Worship is so much more than just singing; it is quieting my soul to truly acknowledge his presence, power, and beauty in  all of life. Worship is brokenness; recognizing my neediness and praising his sufficiency. Even more, his gracious love that pursues me and seeks to be my everything.Would you like to make space for worship this week? What would that look like for you? There's a short little verse in God's word that calls to us as an invitation to worship.

Be still and know that I am God.  - Psalm 46:10

What a simple, yet almost impossible request for this culture. Be still? Are you kidding? Have you seen my "to do" list? How about my calendar? My life is nonstop. Be still?I really believe that God is asking us to still our minds and hearts in the midst of our lists and calendar to acknowledge him as our creator and sustainer. He is there in it all. He is loving us in it all. Do we see him? Do we know that he is God in it all?Worship is life. It is living with a still heart in a busy world, understanding that Jesus is the author of it all, the power sustaining it all, and the love transforming it all.Whenever we are able, getting alone, away from distractions to worship can be an amazing experience. Even if it's only for a few moments.Worship with our church family is beautiful and Biblical, but if our worship stops there when the music stops, then our hearts will worship  something else.  We are designed to worship.As we live our lives this week, let's purposefully still our hearts and worship him.  In the carpool line, at our desk, at the soccer game, at the kitchen sink.  Let's find moments alone with our savior to bow our hearts and our "to do" lists at this feet.Let's worship the Giver, not the gifts.