Why You Matter

I do not like to have my picture made. Yesterday, I was meeting with a photographer, and I had stressed out about it for weeks. I was happy when we had to postpone twice because of rain, but the sun was out yesterday and I could not put it off any longer.FullSizeRender (7)I was unsure of what to wear, how much make-up to apply, what color of  eye shadow and lip gloss. So I bought a new top, used my daughter's eye shadow and met up with my photographer friend feeling awkward and silly. I felt so unsure of myself and my choices. I worried about my big, curly hair getting out of control and my drooping eyes that require a concentrated eyebrow life when I smile.What if I go to all this trouble and my amazing friend does her beautiful work and I still  don't like what I see?I told Kathy that I hated having my picture made. She smiled, laughed and told me that we would have fun. She had great ideas and a perfect location. She had listened well when I told her what  kind of shot I wanted, and she was genuinely excited and encouraging. I could tell that Kathy was passionate about her photography.After a few shots, I began to warm up to the process. I might have even had a little fun.I thought about Kathy living in her sweet spot, pursuing her passion. She was able to put me at ease, and I know that she will do a great job. I've seen her work, and it's beautiful.Beautiful things can happen when we are pursuing our passion. My friend helped me get through my photoshoot feeling confident and excited. It's what she does.We all win when we are operating in our gifts and passions. Someone receives comfort, encouragement, hope, wisdom, courage. Needs are met as God works through us in our callings.I listened as Kathy told me about her equipment and what she is doing to continually improve and stay current. She is super purposeful with her time and commitments so that she can do what she loves, and do it with excellence.What is that you have been gifted to do? What are you passionate about? Is that where you're living? Your gifts and passions are designed to be a blessing to someone. Even if it's only in a small way, purpose to let God use you and what he has created in you to encourage someone today. After all, you are the only one you can fulfill the purpose God has for you.  Someone will be blessed, so get to it.For we are God's handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.  - Ephesians 2:10For I alone know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord; plans to prosper you, not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.  - Jeremiah 29:11Shout out to www.kathybrewsterphotography.com 


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