Marianna Soper

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Do You Know Who You Are? [in Christ]

How unloving would it be for God to call you to something and then deprive you of the time and resources to do it?Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ. Ephesians 1:3What if you had all the money available you needed for what God has called you to do? You do.What if you had enough time to accomplish what was asked of you today? You do.What if you had the strength, confidence, skill, and direction you need to serve the Lord? You do.In Christ.Are you in Christ? The moment you were adopted into God's family, you were in Christ. And if you are in Christ you have everything he has. When we adopted our children, they instantaneously became a part of our family, with all the rights and privileges. They didn't earn it, achieve it, but they became the recipients of our love, protection, and provision. Are you in Christ?I'm guilty of living a very small life because I forget that I have access to the King of Kings. I don't pray big prayers because I forget who I am. I am in Christ. I look at the wold through the eyes of an orphan instead of a daughter of God, afraid to step into what He has called me to be and do.Every spiritual blessing in Christ. What is it that I think I need that he has not already given me? If he called me to this place, will he not give me the time, space, and resources if I ask and wait for him? Why is it that I rush ahead thinking I have to make something happen when I am an heir with Christ. Will he really leave me hanging? Will he not come through?I am in Christ. I may not feel like I am in Christ, but when have my feelings changed or determined the will of God? God reigns supreme and according to him, I am his daughter, lavishly loved and perfectly redeemed.Are you in Christ? Then step out in faith and choose to live like it today. Maybe the giant list "to do's" and expectations are not of God. What is it that the Father has called you to do today? He has given you every blessing needed to walk it out in Christ.