What words do you need to hear today?

This is me asking you to make comments today. Please! I want to keep posting each day, but I want to know your hearts. What words do you need to hear? After you read today, let me know what would meet your needs, and I will pray over those comments and then write from there.

I don't have to tell you how powerful our words are. I'm sure you can still feel the sting of someone's unkind words in your heart. The ugly words stick to us, don't they? We can hear five encouraging statements, but the one negative word is a giant eraser leaving only discouragement on the paper. Those hurtful words are stickier than usual at times. For us girls, hormones magnify them. You might as well announce them on a loudspeaker or write them across the sky because they seem that big.

Do you like yourself? It feels weird to say, "yes" like you're egotistical or something, right? I would say that most women wouldn't quickly respond that way with an emphatic, "yes, I do!" I'm going to throw an analogy out there because I am so visual. It has to do with spaghetti. When we don't have a great sense of self-worth, the ugly words are like spaghetti in a strainer. What? Stay with me. When you pour the pot of pasta and water into the strainer, all the water goes right through the little holes and the noodles are left in the strainer. Genius! (Whoever invented that household gadget was smarter than I am.)  If we don't embrace ourselves for who we are and believe that we are loved unconditionally, if we don't rest in that, we are left with noodles. All of the positive, beautiful words drain through the holes.

Ask yourself, "am I focusing on the negative? Am I looking for it to confirm what I already think of myself?" What about the people around you? Is someone struggling with this and needing to hear some loving words? We can be the voice of Christ to them. He is pursuing us, loving on us through words and actions of other believers, through his creation, through his Word. Can you hear him? Can your family hear him? God says that he is actually singing over us. 
He will take delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing.  Zephaniah 3:14

So, let's don't be spaghetti in someone's strainer. Let's speak life into others, and into our own life as well.
Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouth, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those listen.  Ephesians 4:29

Don't forget to comment on my blog about the words you need to hear. Whether it's a word about marriage, work, love, or hormones. None of us can do this on our own. Let's walk this journey together. I hope this was an encouragement to you today! Can't wait to hear from you!


Taking Care of Yourself 101


Do You Feel Like You're Never Enough?