Expectations Burying You? Give Yourself a Break!

If you are like most women, you are your own worst critic. Being hard on ourselves is what we do. If you live your life never feeling like what you do is enough, then read on, friend! Finding freedom from our own expectations is not impossible.

5 Questions to Freedom from Your Own Expectations

Let's just cut right to the chase. We all have the propensity to heap unhealthy expectations on ourselves. Certain events and influences from our past can increase that tendency. Ultimately, visiting those places in our lives can bring healing, but there are a few truths that we can all grab hold of now that can help us begin to break free.

Do I know my purpose?

Sometimes we have expectations of ourselves that are outside of our purpose. If I was a photographer, but I struggled with nagging thoughts like, "I don't rescue enough people from burning buildings," you would tell me that I need to stick with my pictures and leave the rescues to the firefighters. If I know clearly my purpose , then I can weed out other demands that inevitably fight for my attention. Are you clear on your purpose? If not, you may feel like you should do everything to cover your bases. That's exhausting. Find your purpose.

Am I Pressured by the Success of Other Women?

Comparing can overwhelm us. Social media compounds that issue by constantly bombarding us with a filtered version of everyone's best. Somehow we think we should not only reach our goals for our own purpose, but be able to do what other women are doing as well. Besides not being realistic, that's not healthy. The result? We live splintered lives, unable to do anything well as we attempt to do it all. And we're exhausted. Run your race without comparing.

Do I know That The World Will Keep Turning if I Stop?

Ever find yourself thinking, "if I don't do it, nobody will" ? Perhaps like me, you even say it out loud, taking on a superwoman voice as you do. When we begin to believe that we are the only one who will or the only one who can, we might have an inflated view of ourselves. Yes there are things that we have to do, but based on the truth that "I" cannot do everything, there are some that must go. Someone else will and can. It might mean recruiting and even training your replacement. Perhaps this unrealistic expectation you placed on yourself is part of someone else's purpose. Let them have it.

Is God expecting this of me?

It would be cruel of a father to demand something from a child and then not give that child the time or resources to do it. If God has given you a task or responsibility, he will also equip you with what's needed, including time. We beat ourselves up thinking, "if I could just figure out how to manage my time better, I could get it all done", when in reality we are overloaded with things never given to us by our Savior. He is a good father who is not trying to work you to death or demanding perfection. In fact, he even wants you to rest.

Overwhelmed by Life

At times,  we are overwhelmed by demands in life that we cannot control such as an illness or loss. During these times, our expectations of ourselves change and should change. Our focus becomes rest and healing. Even during these times we can expect too much of ourselves, instead of walking in his mercy and grace.At other times, we heap unhealthy expectations on ourselves unknowingly. Our desire to nurture, to help, to love, and to be needed clouds our vision, and we try harder and harder to do more than we were designed to do. Outside of God's purpose we find defeat and exhaustion.Jesus reminds us that he wants us working alongside him, not running around trying to impress him. When he tells us that his yoke is easy, he is giving us a picture of being yoked with him as two oxen were when plowing. Together. Moving forward together.I believe he has the field already picked out and the seed ready. Are you where God wants you or are you busy with work you heaped on yourself? Are you exhausted from trying to get it together? Ask the Father for clarity.for it is God who is at work in you, both to will and to work for His good pleasure. - Philippians 2:13For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them.  - Ephesians 2:10   


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