Marianna Soper

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Hustle Isn't Everything-How to Ask for Help

Hustle is a new buzzword. I see it on cute mommy shirts. My friends with littles (who are much younger than I) use this word. They have the cute shirts.Do you hustle? I think I do something that more closely resembles scrambling. If you are a woman, I am certain that you hustle.From the dishwasher to the washing machine, from the kitchen to the office, from soccer to piano, we hustle, hustle, hustle.I saw a shirt that read, "Good things come to those who hustle." Another said, "Hustle Queen". One shirt said, "Eat, Pray, Hustle."Yes, good things come to those who work hard, but strokes and heart attacks come to those don't know when to quit. Life wouldn't happen without some hustle, but what do you do when you just can't keep going? What do you do when you're all out of hustle?What would happen if we began to ask for help? Asking for help is seen as admitting weakness. But we are weak, aren't we? At least that's what I remember from that song, "Jesus Loves Me." Yes, God has gifted us, empowered us, and he can do great things in us and through us, but because we are human, we get tired.We have let social media fool us into thinking that "other women" somehow seem to have it all together. We see everyone's highlights and feel less than. We tell ourselves, "I got this. I can do it all."I just want to encourage you today to stop and breathe. Is your hustle stealing your joy? Are you living discouraged, feeling like you just can't do it all? Are you letting the pressure of our culture determine where and how you give your time and energy? What is God asking of you today? Is your hustle leaving you too tired for your husband?These are questions worth answering.Now, what does it look like to ask for help with your hustle? Maybe some of these suggestions will bring you relief. Remember that Jesus invites us to join him in HIS yoke (no, he's not calling us oxen), and work alongside him. If you ask for help, it doesn't mean your'e not a Hustle Queen; it just means that you're human. Here are three ways to ask for help.

Ask a Friend

Ask someone to help you look at your priorities, commitments, calendar, and "to do" lists. Is your hustle actually sustainable? Are you overextended in some areas? Do you have time scheduled for connecting with your spouse, friends, and family? What about time to take care of yourself? Are you hustling right past the gym, sacrificing your own health and sanity? Get a new perspective from someone you trust.

Ask your family

If there are other humans in your home old enough to help, then I hope your'e not doing all the work yourself. Let go of any perfectionist tendencies, your pride, and your mom guilt, and ask for help. If your husband is not willing to help, then ask him to hire some help for you. Begin teaching your littles to do big things. Before any weekend fun happens at our house, everyone has a chore to complete to "bless our home." No shame in your game, sweet friend. Those teenagers can certainly vacuum before going to the game or the movies.

ask you Father

There is a peace like no other that we experience when we are walking in God's will. We find freedom when we know that we are fulfilling his dream for us. How easy it is to get sucked into the superwoman illusion and miss the beautiful rest that our Father offers us. It's hard to connect with the heart of God when we are in constant hustle mode. He designed us with a need to quiet our souls and be still before him. It's in that stillness that he whispers words of hope and love to us. It's when we join him in His work that we become more like him.Ask the Lord to lead you. Ask him to write your "to do" list. Pray and ask him to show you the motivation of your heart and your hustle. If you are finding your significance and approval in your hustle, then it's not of God. If you are working so hard to earn your worth, just stop. Stop and believe right now that you are already loved, accepted, worthy, and secure in Christ.If you are in a season of serious hustle as a single mom, ask God for help and encouragement. Surround yourself with community. He is your provider and he can bring relief and solutions where we don't see any.Asking for help may be the most courageous, freeing thing you have ever done.

 I lift up my eyes to the mountains—    where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord,    the Maker of heaven and earth.

Psalm 121:1-2

For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him.  Philippians 2:13