Marianna Soper

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Refuel Yourself! You're on Empty! Taking Care of Yourself 101

 Signs that you might be running on fumes (or hormonal- we'll talk about that another day)
*you're grouchy (and everyone sees it)
* everything seems overwhelming
*you can't remember the last thing you did for fun
*you find your keys in the freezer
*you fall asleep in the carpool line
*you plan ways to punish your husband because he went golfing with friends

I'm telling you, us girls have been hit by the guilt bomb. What happened to us? If we're not busy taking care of someone, checking things off our to-do lists, working harder than we did yesterday, we feel guilty. Somewhere along the way, we have lost the freedom to rest, relax, and refuel. Who told us it's not okay to enjoy a break? I'll tell you who. It's that same invisible woman who used to live in my house,following  me around whispering, "not enough". She was knocking at my door this morning, standing there with a big plate of steaming, hot guilt for breakfast. I didn't answer. She wanted to tell me that I didn't have enough planned for my daughter's birthday and that I should have gotten up earlier to maker pancakes, and ...( She's a big, fat liar.)

I have discovered that the "not enough" lie turns me into a little hamster running in my wheel. I can't stop. Too much to do, one more load of laundry, one more menu to plan, one more promotion, one more organized closet, one more fundraiser for PTO, one more birthday party to plan...It. Doesn't. End. If I wait until I feel like I have done enough before I can refuel, I will run in my little wheel until my little hamster body falls over.

I know it's bad when my husband says, "honey, why don't you get out and go get some coffee." What he really means is, "Woman, living with you right now is like living with a rabid dog. Please leave." We can't wait until it's bad. Refueling should be a regular part of our lives. There are seasons when it takes a huge effort to make time, but it's worth it. We're not helping anyone if we're empty.
So, how do you refuel? My husband and I discussed me possibly getting a job. However, every suggestion he made involved a drive-thru. I had to clarify with him that serving food to other people did not recharge my batteries. It's different for everyone. Maybe it's being alone, hanging out with a friend, being outside, riding your bike, writing, reading, going to a movie, going shopping, or exercising. Whatever it is, do it! Soon! It's okay to relax and rest. It's okay to have fun. If your'e not sure what refuels you (because it's been too long since you thought about yourself), then pray about it, think about it. Make a promise to yourself today that you will plan time this week to refuel. Even if it's just a little 30 minute break. 
Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.” Matthew 11:28-30 The Message

It's up to you. Nobody is going to do this for you. Will you take care of yourself today?Don't theses words whisper joy to your heart; refresh, renew, replenish, refuel, recharge? Tomorrow we will take another step in this journey. 

Listen to this great Dara Maclean song about your freedom!

I welcome your comments!!!