Not a Hallmark Movie

It is not snowing. My house is barely decorated. There is laundry in the dryer that has been there for three days. The dog just ate someone's candy. We still have shopping to do. My kids are arguing over a Wii game. 

If you have everything wrapped, cookies baked, and your children are making homemade gifts for grandparents while singing "Away in a Manger", this may not be for you.

Christmas at my house is not the perfection that I  see in commercials and Hallmark movies. I have decided that I can't make life look like that. To do it I would need a maid, more money, and child actors. 

Instead of completely exhausting myself trying, I am going to focus on what I can do to celebrate the gift of Jesus. 

Christmas is not about decorating my house. It's about allowing Christ to adorn my heart with his glory.

Christmas is not finding the perfect gift for each person on my list. It is truly celebrating him as the greatest gift.

I find so much hope and joy in the way that Jesus came into this world. There was nothing fancy about it. So simple. So humble. 

For those of us who find ourselves rushing to get it all done, whose house is not filled with the smell of cookies, whose children are arguing instead of singing carols, we can take a deep breath. Breathe in the smell of a stable filled with hay and farm animals. 

In the midst of the mess, light some candles tonight. Gather your family around you and read the story of the humble birth of Jesus. Perhaps you could let everyone share what it means to them. Don't be disappointed if they argue over whose turn it is to share. Don't expect a Hallmark moment. Just quiet your heart and worship in the midst of the mess. That's my plan.

Luke 2:10

English Standard Version (ESV)
10 And the angel said to them, “Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people.


Joyful and Triumphant

