Marianna Soper

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Morning Mug: Start With a Full Cup

 Starting a road trip on an empty gas tank won't get you far on your journey.  Beginning your day with a dry, empty heart usually leads you down a path of discouragement and frustration. If we can begin our days with a moment of praise, a word of thanksgiving, and a surrendering of our concerns, then our day stands a chance. Starting a day focused on the one who began it for us out of his grace and faithfulness, leads us down paths of purpose and hope.Take a moment to praise your Father, to thank him for his new mercies today, and to lay your "to do" list at his feet. Open your heart  to receive the day he has created for you. Move through your day watching and listening for the love of Christ in you and around you.I have come that they may  have life and have it to the full.  John 10:10