Living in Guilt is Not Living.

Do you feel free?"Free" is one of the most beautiful words that our minds can wrap up in ribbons of belief and give to our hearts. A precious gift.Freedom is life itself to the prisoner, the victim of an abusive relationship, the orphan rescued from the frightening orphanage.Are you free?Or are you tethered? Tethered seems like less offensive, not as harsh as "chained" or "bound", yet it means the same.The dictionary defines tethered as, "tie (an animal) with a rope or chain so as to restrict its movement.synonyms: tie, tie up, hitch, rope, chain; fasten, bind, fetter, secure"We have two adopted children from Ethiopia. We went through a rigorous process to be "approved" as adoptive parents. Yet, several years ago, we were turned down by the Humane Society as adoptive dog parents. I can hear you laughing. We laughed too.It's true. Shame on you Human Society. I understand your principles, I get your integrity and your passion to provide good homes for dogs. Really, I do. But, come on. We manage to take of six children, don't you think we could handle caring for a canine?Want to know why we were rejected? Simple. We checked "yes" to one question. The question?"Would you ever put your dog on a runner?"We checked yes because we love to have friends over and if our dog ever becomes annoying, we would indeed clip our pooch to a runner. Would we do this permanently or on a hot summer day with no source of water? No. Apparently, the Humane Society was not interested in our explanation.Would we tether our dog? Yes.The great thing about a runner is that a dog can still lay in the grass and rub its back the way dogs love, enjoying the sunshine and a breeze. It can still move, jump, and run. Until... he comes to the end of the tether and feels the yank. He can run, but not at full speed. If he tries to roll over he will find himself tangled. Restricted.Are you free?Or are you tethered? You can live and move, but not at full speed, not in the direction you desire .Something is restricting you. Holding you back, holding you down. Maybe you can't even see it because you have not stopped long enough to let your mind go there.Imagine with me that dog runner (just whatever Humane Society) - a wire stretched between two trees. A tether hanging down...Are you living there? Running back and forth. Tree to tree. Stretching the tether to its limits, feeling the pull, the yank. You can only go so far. Eventually, there's a well worn path between the two trees. It's where you live.Being tethered is deceiving because we can still move, still jump and run. We soon forget what it feels like to be free to run anywhere, as far as we choose, as fast as we can...Are you free?Being a woman is dangerous. We are susceptible to tethers. Our desire to nurture, to repair what's broken, to love those in need, to be all things to our people can easily morph into something closely resembling a chain, rope, or chord. It happens slowly, without notice. The tether becomes shorter and shorter until one day we find ourselves looking in the mirror wondering who the stranger is staring back at us.Guilt, unrealistic expectations, bitterness, lies of this world, demanding jobs, discouraging spouses or parents, pressure be more and do more, pursuits of bigger and better, forgetting what God began in us...Tethers that hold us firm, pull us back, bind us until we are living between two trees in a rut that has become our normal.Are you free?

It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.  Galatians 5:1

So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed. John 8:36

Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. 2 Corinthians 3:17

We were created with a strong desire to nurture. That nurturing fulfills God's call on our life whether we are mothers, teachers, sisters, or friends. God is glorified when we are walking in that calling. Yet, our enemy wants to take what God has placed in us, as a gift to be lived out in freedom, and twist it.

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.   John 10:10

We tether ourselves as we believe the lies of this world, that tell us we are what we do, that we can and should be Superwoman.

We tie ourselves to the wire with tethers of bitterness and unforgiveness. There is no freedom when we are bound by our anger and hurt.

As we believe that just a little bit more will satisfy, we become bound to the things we pursue, the images of perfection and all that sparkles and shines.

Guilt. Guilt that we are not what our people need, that we can't do it all, keeps us on a short tether, yanking us back. We feel its tight collar around around our necks.

Our enemy tethers us with guilt as he whispers two little words, "not enough."

Are you free? You can be. How?

  • Know who you are. You are His. You are loved, worthy, accepted, and secure. Right now. Not because of anything you have done but because of the amazing love of your Father who has see you free. He has made you enough.
  • Believe that he has given your life purpose. A unique calling that only you can fulfill. Those around you are blessed when you live in the freedom of your calling, not your unrealistic expectations.
  • Pursue what he has created you to do without fear. Trust him to finish what he started in you.
  • Forgive. Move on and let go of any bitterness.

The one who calls you is faithful, and he will do it. 1 Thessalonians 5:24.



20 Minutes to Save Your Life


His Wish List- Manifesto Part 2