Go On a Date!

First dates can be stressful and awkward- even scary. Some, however are like the comfy sweatshirt you've had in your drawer since college; the one you wear to snuggle up with chocolate and a chick flick or a box of tissues. My first date with hot pastor was that kind of date.

For a long time, I thought a picnic and fishing was just because he didn't have any money. I was naive and he was sly like a fox. What better way to ensure a little snuggling than a picnic? Looking back, I am so glad that we didn't watch a movie or go out to eat. He was in his element outdoors and we got to know each other much better as we had a casting contest and ran from ducks that tried to eat my shoes. 

Isn't that the point? Block out the rest of the world to create a space for intimacy? We spent hours together in conversation, laughter, and of course the snuggling. We still date each other as often as possible, even if it means eating our favorite cookies in the bed while we laugh at "Everybody Loves Raymond." 

I want to put something out there to my readers. I don't know you all, not even your names. Apparently, some of you live in Malaysia. Whoah! Some of you are friends of my friends, or you just stumbled across this blog. I'm just glad you're here. I am suggesting to you a date. Not with your husband or boyfriend, not an awkward blind date. I am challenging all of us to carve out some time for a date with Jesus. 

How beautiful it is when we are able to block out the rest of the world to focus on that one person, that one life-changing relationship. Intimacy with our Savior is something worth pursuing, worth changing our schedule and priorities. 

I don't know what that will look like for you. Hot Pastor and I love being outdoors together and for some of you that would be torturous. Your date with Jesus won't look like mine. It could be a walk down a trail listening for his voice, singing worship songs to him. Maybe it's a quiet corner at a coffee shop with his Word and your prayer journal and earphones. 

He pursues us passionately. It's our turn. Get out your calendar, talk to your husband or your sitter. Make it happen. Depending on what season of life you are in you may even be able to arrange a weekend retreat with God. Some of us may only be able to date late at night after our kids have gone to bed. One thing is for sure. He is waiting for you and will meet you where you are and overwhelm you with his love. 

Psalm 45:11

New International Version (NIV)
11 Let the king be enthralled by your beauty;
    honor him, for he is your lord.


There Are No Silent Nights at My House


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