Marianna Soper

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The Perks of Early Morning [besides being first to the coffee]

Waking up is such a gift.God’s loyal love couldn’t have run out, his merciful love couldn’t have dried up. They’re created new every morning.How great your faithfulness! Lamentations 3:22-23 The MessageI love the first day of a new year, the beginning of a new week, and I'm beginning to love early mornings. Starting over, beginning again, a fresh new day. It's kinda enlivening (with a side of coffee). Good starts go far, I've learned.Beginning life each day before the noisy world rushes in and tackles us might just be the wisest choice we can make. While the house is quiet and the coffee is brewing or the tea steeping, we slowly awaken to the rhythm of the day that our creator set in motion. His day. Much like tuning a radio and finding a station, we quiet our hearts and minds until we hear His. Then we listen as our static fades and his clear beautiful song begins to play.  Be still and know. Once our hearts are in tune with His, we find peace and assurance. Before we have a chance to get discouraged, disappointed, frustrated, or afraid, we choose Jesus.  We can take his word that he gives us and hang it up as a banner over our day before our day decides for us. And it will, if given a chance. Our day will steamroll right over us, dragging us behind if we take it on alone.I am not an early riser by nature, but I have experienced enough of those quiet moments in the freshness of a new day to know that I want more. Waking up is a gift. No matter the time, what if we give our waking moments to him so that he can tune our hearts to his?