Marianna Soper

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How You Can Find Freedom Today

What seems to comfort may actually shackle.Since we have such a huge crowd of men of faith watching us from the grandstands, let us strip off anything that slows us down or holds us back, and especially those sins that wrap themselves so tightly around our feet and trip us up; and let us run with patience the particular race that God has set before us. Hebrews 12:1 TLB

relinquishing our Freedom choice by choice

What is slowing you down today? What is keeping you from living in reckless abandon the life of a Jesus follower? In your desire to grow and change, what keeps tripping you up and getting in your way? Is it your painful past, unforgiveness, unhealthy habits, or selfishness?Each small choice becomes part of larger, more impactful choices. My choice to hide each evening with Netflix and cookies has effected both my health and my relationships with my family. "Let us strip off anything that slows us down or holds us back..." I want more from my life, but it begins with the small choices.

3 Entanglements

When we remain entangled by the world, our hangups, and our sins, three things happen.

  • Our relationship with our God suffers. It's impossible to experience all that He has for us when we are weighed down by our mess. Our attention, our focus, our growth, and our loyalties are compromised because we are not fully engaged with our Creator.
  • Those within our circle of influence miss out on the love and ministry of Jesus that could have reached them through us. Our family, friends, neighborhood, community, and coworkers do not receive what God was sending to them through us if we are not running our race in true freedom. If our sins are "wrapped tightly around our feet", how can we reach our world?
  • We suffer needlessly. God's great plan for you and I is one of freedom. If we allow the cares of this world and our propensity toward certain sins to continually wrap us up, we will find ourselves suffering physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually in ways that were not part of God's purpose for us. Yes, we will have trouble in this world, but there is trouble that we can walk away from by choice.

God's Plan of Freedom

God's purpose for you is beautifully and uniquely designed just for you. Is there a chance you are missing part of it today because you are entangled, shackled, held back by misplaced desires, priorities or sin? Put on some blue face paint, get on a horse, and yell, "freedom!" Or, fall to your knees today, repent,  and rely on the power of the Holy Spirit to strengthen your resolve as you move forward in victory! Tell a friend so that your shackles can no longer hide in darkness. See accountability and know that you are loved in the midst of it all.