Digging for Diamonds

Do you know anyone who would rather spend two hours in a thrift store sifting through rack after rack of discarded clothes for that one amazing shirt that costs $55 new but only $2 used? Now you do. It’s me- I’m that girl, confessing to you right now that I love the little adrenaline rush that comes from finding a treasure in the midst of someone’s trash.

Not a treasure hunter? We can still be friends.

I have a sweet daughter who just doesn’t have the patience for this kind of shopping. She will walk through the aisles glancing this way and that and then say, “I just can’t find anything I like.” I’ll tell her, “Girl, it’s like digging for diamonds; you have to look hard sometimes. Don’t give up.”

Chances are someone reading this feels like giving up. You look around and nothing in life looks good right now. You may feel like your life is literally trashed; no sparkling treasure to be found. I would tell you, “it’s like digging for diamonds. Don’t give up.”

Here’s a truth to hang onto - God is working even when you don’t see it, even when you don’t feel like it. Why? Because his love for you is deeper than any ocean, wider than any canyon and it was his joy to redeem you. His love is the kind that pursues with passion and fights with tenacity. He has you in his sights and no matter what kind of rubble you’re sitting in the middle of right now, there are diamonds nearby.

Sometimes the most precious things in life are found in what feels like a wasteland.

I recently heard from a sweet friend who has walked through hard stuff and said to me, “I don’t think you or I would have chosen our stories, but I can say I realize how much He wanted and needed to grow me through it all. Feel like I’m learning who I am for possibly the firs time.” Diamond.

It’s easy in this life to allow the cares of the world, our pain and failures, the voice of the enemy to blind us to the goodness of God around us. But it’s there; it’s always there.

Stop today and ask God to open your eyes to his presence, his hand at work, his blessings that may be buried under discouragement and fear. He is with you and he is working it all for your good. Keep looking. Don’t give up.

For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseeen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal. 2 Corinthians 4:17-18


Letting Them Fly

