Choosing What's Better

There is a bakery in my home town that has been in business longer than I have  been alive. I remember going in McFarland's Bakery as a little girl. I would stand gazing through the glass at row upon row of delight. How could I choose just one thing? The aroma was like nothing else. Even recently I took my own children there to see them drool as their mother did.Sometimes making a choice seems amost impossible because it all looks so good.As a woman I have experienced this, as I'm sure you have, when you just say yes to everything because it all looks good.It's so easy to fill up my pantry, my closet, and my calendar with good things. After all, how could I possibly choose? It's all good. At some point, life becomes like a drawer packed so tightly that it won't close. There is so much in there that what's on the bottom is forgotten.There is only so much space. In our closets. On our calendars. In our hearts.Just this week I experienced some beautiful space. Room to breathe, room to consider, room to choose. I recently quit working full time because I was out of room emotionally.My job was good. I was doing good for children who needed extra help. I was helping to support our family and buy good things.But I was not good.I had to choose what was better. We can be deceived into thinking more is better, but I believe strongly that almost all of life is richer when it's simpler. Take my closet for example. I found so much joy in consignment shopping, but my closet had become so full, that I could no longer choose.I let go of 3 trash bags full of clothes. Cute clothes, good clothes. What is left in my closet are favorites. I kept versatile, favorite pieces, just enough. There is space, and I feel amazingly free and happy with what I have.Life is about choosing what's better. How could I even say that without mentioning Mary and Martha from God's word? Remember, Mary chose what was better. Martha was doing good, but there was something better. Jesus certainly did not teach that doing more is better. He was actually wanting Martha to take a load off and just connect with him in that moment.But how do we know how to choose, how do we distinguish the better from the good?Do you have a clear vision for your life and your family? Do you have core values that you use as a filter for what you allow into your life? Have you sought God and reflected on his will and purpose for your life? What are your priorities that are your compass down life's pathways?We live in a culture inundated with choices. Good grief. I think I counted 12 flavors of Cheese-Its. Opportunities surround us, beg for our attention and time and money. It is mentally exhausting. Book after book has been written about time management, but again I go back to the drawer that's bulging and won't even close. We only have so much space available on our calendars.So much good, but what is better?What's better for me may not be better for you. I am sure that there are women who are able to manage a large family and work full-time and even find it energizing. That was not happening for me. The joy that I have felt this week as I have reclaimed our home and time with my children is evidence of what my better looks like.My husband talks about drifting. We naturally drift toward certain habits, routines, behaviors. Without being purposeful, without seeking the Lord and listening, I drift toward tasks, busyness, saying yes to too much. Maybe that's your natural drift too.Finding what is better is about purpose, and when our purpose is not clear, whether it's in our closet or our calendars, we drift. From the outside it all looks good. Serving, helping, giving, teaching, mothering...but I believe Jesus is calling us to purpose, to our giftings, to his feet in submission. It is beautiful to submit to his calling. Moment by moment. Day by day.I recently reflected on 2015 and what I hoped for in 2016. I felt God pulling me toward some new priorities. The main thing I kept hearing was "connection." There are relationships in my life that need shoring up, and new ones to create. As opportunities come my way, I must be ready to guard those relationships fiercely.All of my yes's are also no's. If I say yes to one thing, I am saying no to something else. (there's only so much room, remember) In an effort to pursue God's calling this year, I began reading a book called, "Hands Free Life- 9 Habits for Overcoming Distraction, Living Better, & Loving More." (by Rachel Macy Stafford)  Along with that, another book which is helping me is "I Choose2 Love My Life- a one year journey toward living a life you love." (by the iBloom Team)I don't want to drift this year. I don't want my life to resemble the closet that I just cleaned out, overstuffed and overwhelming. For me, that means I must pursue purpose and anything that will help me stay the course.There is such joy and hope found in resting in the purpose God has for us. No more trying to do it all. Simply opening our hands and hearts to what is better.For I alone know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans to prosper you, not to harm you; plans to give you a hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11 NIVCome to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a rest. Walk with me and work with me- watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly. Matthew 11:28-30 The MessageIf you aren't sure about finding your core values, priorites, and goal setting, grab a good tool to help you. Invest in a life coach, take some time to reflect and stop the drift.If you just want to begin with simplifying your stuff, read my post on the closet purge by clicking here.    


Is It Up to You to Turn This Thing Around?


The Clutter's Got to Go!