Marianna Soper

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Are You a Thermostat or Thermometer?

Just as a thermostat sets the temperature, someone in the home has to set the tone for life and love.So if I, the Master and Teacher, washed your feet, you must now wash each other’s feet. I’ve laid down a pattern for you. What I’ve done, you do. I’m only pointing out the obvious.  John 13:15 Thermostats set the desired temperature. Thermometers reflect the current temperature. We are called to be examples, lights to a dark world, a living sacrifice of God's love.I am so challenged by this, but it is true. That saying, "if Mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy", is mostly right. I feel the weight of it today. Our days are the sum of a thousand variable; with so many unexpected disagreements and situations, accidents and mistakes, unfiltered words and emotions, my response goes out as the standard for my kids. What I do in moderation, I see them live out in excess.This is true too in any situation, whether it's a family, an office, church group, or neighborhood. We have both the responsibility and the opportunity to be thermostats. Jesus modeled that for us, didn't he?Reflect on your situation. Based on your actions, attitudes, tone, and reactions, how are mistakes received? Is it okay in your home or business to make mistakes? Is there a spirit of encouragement in the air? What about gratitude? Are apologies a common occurrence? Have those around you caught a spirit of complaining and negativity from you?There are those placed in our path who are needing to see the Spirit of God in us. They are searching for a reflection of his character, love, and hope. We cannot be spiritual thermostats in our own strength, but out of an overflow of our surrender to Christ. As we still ourselves and abide in him, as we study his word and obey, then we become more like Him. If we want to be living examples of His love, then we must live in his love daily.