Marianna Soper

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5 Reasons Why We Need Connections

Have you ever been in a crowd of people you didn't know and meet someone from your home town or someone who has the same profession? Suddenly, you're not alone in that crowd because you have made a connection. A sense of comfort comes over us when we find common ground


For me, when I meet a mom of adopted children or if I strike up a conversation with another woman who always feels behind, I get excited. Why is that? Why do we search for commonality? 

We were created for connection. Our life seems validated, our struggles not as difficult, our husbands not as weird.We are not alone. 

As someone who is an off-the-scale extrovert, you can only imagine what happened when I attended a Christian blog conference and met hundreds of women who shared the same passion. Right away, I met a cool girl from Minnesota who quickly became a kindred spirit.

What is so great is that once we make a connection with someone, we can then appreciate and benefit from our unique differences as well. I am so thankful for friends and connections that are not just like me.  That would be a picture of insanity. 

Created for connection. Better together. Two are better than one. The more, the merrier. Birds of a feather. All for one, and one for all. 

God's design for us is beautiful and can be seen in every culture, and every race. We were made for each other. When we hear of someone who has pulled away from relationships, we become concerned, even afraid because without connections our thinking and emotions can lead us into dark places. When a child does not form healthy attachments to parents, even that child's brain functioning suffers. 

Our need for connection is critical and the benefits too many to list, but I wanted to share a few.

1. We share the very love of God through relationships as we become his hands and feet.
2. Shame is defeated when we find out that others share our same struggles and sins.
3. We accomplish more than we could ever do on our own as we unite our gifts and talents with those of others.
4. We find wisdom and encouragement from those we connect with on our journey.
5. When our relationships lead to prayers for each other, we are strengthened and God is glorified.

My dream for this blog was one of community and connections, to bring women together through our passions, gifts, and struggles. We are ninja sisters fighting for our freedom and joy in Christ. Who you are and your experiences can encourage in ways that I can't. Your wisdom and your gifts encourage me.

I would love for this to become a conversation, a safe place to share our stuff, a network of sisters. You may be surprised by the connections you make, new friendships that develop here. If you have never commented here, would you think about it? Would you step out and offer yourself for connection? I for one would love to meet you and hear your story. If you have trouble leaving a comment or can't figure out how to do that, find me on facebook. I'll help you get started. 

Our whole life is designed for relationship. Is there someone in your path that needs connection with you today? Let her know that she is not alone. Have you isolated yourself in shame or depression? Do you feel like you are the only one struggling? You are not alone.

2 Corinthians 1:3-5

New International Version (NIV)

Praise to the God of All Comfort

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God. For just as we share abundantly in the sufferings of Christ, so also our comfort abounds through Christ.