Marianna Soper

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Welcoming God Into Your Mess: Openness

 We must be open before we can be broken, and we must be broken before we can be changed.Investigate my life, O God, find out everything about me: cross-examine me and test me, get a clear picture of what I’m about; See for yourself whether I’ve done anything wrong—then guide me on the road to eternal life. Psalm 139:23-24 The MessageI wish there was an easy button, but this is it. Openness and brokenness. Yet, see the hope God gives us; a road to eternal life. Ever been down the wrong road, a destructive one? One that brought heartbreak and regret? There is another way, a way that has already been marked out for you, a road you don’t have to walk alone.Our Creator knows the messiness of our lives. Imagine your soul as a house. God, in his grace, opens our eyes to the mess in one room at a time. We choose to agree with him. Brokenness. Then we throw the clutter and trash out to the curb and welcome his presence into that space. One by one, each room is purged of what is not of Him and replaced with his goodness.Before the spring cleaning can happen, Christ must be welcomed into our souls. Giving him full access is the most freeing choice we can ever make. Openness.You may be desperate for change today, weary from the cycle of sin you find yourself in, tired of the defeated attitude you carry as you try to survive each day. Real change, real life happens when we are brave enough to open the door and invite Christ to take a look around.Being broken over what he finds is part of a beautiful process that leads us down the road to eternal life.