Marianna Soper

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Take Care of Yourself! : Can't drive carpool if you're out of gas.

Caring for the girl in the mirror

If you just joined me, that title might sound a little narcissistic, but please stay with me. It's all good. We are spending three weeks wrestling with the question, "If I don't take care of myself, who will?". After all, most of us take care of someone either within our family (that includes pets)  or through our job, or both. Us girls know what it means to care for someone. We just have not given ourselves permission to care for the tired girl in the mirror.Maybe you are more of a saint that I am, but I can tell you that if this mama is tired and running on empty my whole house knows it. It's just basic science. You can't give out of a deficit. I'm not saying that God can't use us when we are empty.There have been times that God has multiplied my time and efforts and worked in spite of my weary self. It's just not sustainable. God designed us needing rest. He created us with limited physical capabilities, and we all know that our minds and bodies can only handle so much stress before we crack.

Being Full to be Poured Out

I can't be poured out as an offering to those around me in the beautiful way that God created me unless I have been cared for first. I'm actually a lot like a car. To be dependable, you better change the oil every three thousand miles, keep gas in the tank, and get regular tune-ups. How ridiculous would it be if we neglected our cars and then complained when they wouldn't crank or when the engine overheated?Caring for yourself is not selfish. On the contrary, it is the most beautiful thing you can do for those you love, those who need you, those who might be blessed by you and the gifts inside you. You, friend, are valuable and it's time to begin treating yourself as such.

Stay With Me!

I hope you are still with me. I'm living these 21 days purposefully, not perfectly. I did not get my 20 minutes of exercise in yesterday. I was really bummed last night, but today is a new day, and I learned that I need to plan better next time. I really do feel good and with 16 days left, I feel like it's only going to get better. If you really want to do something and you struggle with self discipline, blogging about it brings a whole new level of accountability.

Today's Good to Me Challenge

Pick up a magazine that you love and enjoy it later tonight or get a new book on Kindle. “Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”        Matthew 11:28-20 The MessageIf you missed the first day of "21 Days to Good to Me" click here to read.