Marianna Soper

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Overwhelmed Part 5

I'm so excited today to wrap up this series of posts! Are you with me?Many years ago when I was in college, I served as a summer missionary in Kure Beach, NC. Yep, rough summer. I am a procrastinator by nature and tend to fly by the seat of my pants. I found out that my car could not be so flexible. I put off getting gas because I was in a hurry. Later. Later. On a back road which was a short cut to avoid beach traffic, I was wishing I would have refueled. There were no houses, no lights, nothing on this road. Feeling very vulnerable, but without a choice, I waited for help. God was gracious and sent a father and son that drove me to get some gas.Why? Why did I ignore my gas gauge? Why did I think I could just keep going? Was I a super hero? Did the laws of auto mechanics not apply to me?Are you ignoring your gauge? Do you have a gauge? Time to talk.I think we have established this week that when we decide to go all super girl on life, we find ourselves overwhelmed. [overwhelmed:  buried  beneath a mass of something, overcome, defeated]Quick Review:

  1. God is greater that all this mess that has us on the mat!
  2. We are not alone, were not designed to be alone, and on our own strength we become overwhelmed.
  3. Most of us have unhealthy expectations for ourselves, and live life trying to be enough. We are crushed under the weight of never being the girl we think we should be. God has given us time to finish His "to do list". We still ourselves and come into his presence and his list becomes ours.

Today is so amazingly freeing. Glad your'e here with me for it! Are you ready? This is so incredibly theologically deep.God wants you to keep your tank full.I know, right? Such wisdom, right? I almost typed "God wants you to have gas", but I didn't. Then we could all keep each other accountable by asking, "do you have gas today?" Sorry. My sons' humor has rubbed off on me.Something in us women drives us to nurture, to take care of things, to manage our home. We are wired that way. However, somewhere along the way, in our efforts to be Super Girl, do it all, and post it all, we have told ourselves that we can keep going. And going. And going. I would guess that most of you, like me, have felt guilty for even thinking about resting or doing something just for fun. Fun? What's that?So I have a mystery guest today! I asked her to share her thoughts on refueling because I have seen her do it. I know her well enough to see when she needs it, and I've been challenged and encouraged by how she makes it happen.I am a Mom to 4 (3 teens), Pastors Wife, own my own business and a leader in my organization (mompreneur), try to maintain order in my home, volunteer, etc..etc... You get the point. Refueling is something that was forced on me about a year ago when anxiety overtook me. I never realized how important it was to refuel...or take on a fresh supply of fuel. See my life is so crammed pack that I feel like a pressure cooker. I don't know about you but I've always been afraid of pressure cookers because was afraid of them blowing up. I still don't own one to this day. But when the pressure is released correctly they work their magic and cook perfect food. So just like a pressure cooker I have found that pure Silence refuels me. Also I have found that sometimes I need to ditch the gym and go for a walk or a run outside in nature. I feel so close to my heavenly Father when I incorporate exercise and worship music. The awesome thing is we are all different and we have to find what refuels each us... oh, and I'll never turn down a cup of coffee with a close friend. So whatever it is for you discover what refuels you and start breathing and resting in the glorious chaos with a full heart and renewed mind.I love how she has discovered what God intended for us to experience, "a full heart and a renewed mind."If you are thinking like I do sometimes, "I have to take care of my kids and husband. I have too many responsibilities," allow your heart and mind commit to a new way of thinking. It goes like this; "I have too many responsibilities NOT to refuel. I can't serve them on empty!"Another exert from November 2014,It's the whole oxygen mask in the plane thing again. If you don't put the mask on first, you can't help passengers around you! 

I hope your heart is open to this message of grace and hope. God designed us to rest and refuel. I know what I'm like when I don't. Here are two exerts from past blog posts (yes, write about this A LOT!) to finish today.

"I am so tired. Mental exhaustion. This is the first moment of the day when I have been even remotely alone with my thoughts. Even now, two children and a dog are nearby while American Ninja Warrior blares in the background. Nonstop thinking, planning, shopping, copying, cutting, working, deciding, reminding, peace-making, solving, cooking, cleaning, packing, calling, texting, explaining, more reminding…Nonstop.Days with no margin are life draining. Even though the day was full of joy moments, reaching goals, sweet hugs, and even a Chai Tea Latte, my tank is  empty. If my children need me at this point, I will do what any mom would, but  it will not be easy. Looking ahead, I see a girls' weekend on the horizon, and I take a deep breath and smile. It's coming. Refueling. Refreshing. Rest. I know myself well enough to know that I can only survive so many days with no margin. I can thrive with even fewer, and that is real life, the thriving kind. It's the one Jesus invited us to experience with him. Abundant life. Yes, there are days that demand everything, leaving us wiped out and weary, unable to think about one more thing. When we are there, empty and exhausted, Jesus is waiting. I believe that rest and refreshing are holy gifts offered to us by our Savior. Opening those gifts, accepting the rest he offers is so difficult for us girls. What happens when we stop? How will we get it all done if we take a break? We are needed. Someone is counting on us. The bigger question is "what happens if we don't stop?"Sometimes the gift of rest is a short break in the day, a sweet conversation with a friend. Sometimes it is a snow day or an ice storm keeping us home, a cancelled game allowing us a night with family all together. At other times, Jesus is asking us to choose rest. The gift is given and only needs to be opened. An opening in life for refueling, slowing, breathing. He asks us to open the gift without fear of failing at life if we stop the working and striving. Over and over he shows us he can be trusted, that it's really all in his hands, not ours. He designed us like rechargeable batteries. Our bodies are made for rest. Our spirits need laughter. Our minds need quiet and contemplation. Our soul needs a moment to share it all with our Father. A cool guy named Paul said that we are all tempted, but that God is faithful to provide a way out. Ever been tempted to do it all, control it all, and save the day in super woman fashion? Stop! There's a way out. Remember that God is saying to you every day, "I've got this."Remember that the world won't fall apart if you stop, but you might if you don't."When my soul scale is not balanced, I am overwhelmed. I resent my kids for needing me so much. I take on the role of Martyr Mom. "Do you know how hard I work every day so you can have that iphone? You don't even appreciate me!!!!!!" I look at my family and instead of seeing my sweet husband and precious children, I see seven straws that are sucking me dry. It all becomes an impossible chore that exhausts me, a life that in no way resembles the "abundant life" that Jesus offers.Weird to others, but refueling to me, I love to write. Right now as my clumsy fingers type, I'm smiling. As I listen to melodies of truth and read a book that points me back to Jesus in this quiet place, I feel my soul scale moving.For you, what will it take to balance your soul scale? A long walk? Time with a dear friend? A movie alone? A good book?  A good night's rest? From one woman to another, do whatever it takes! Whatever is holding you back, push through. Your family may whine at first, but there will be no complaints when they encounter your refreshed spirit.""Come to me all you who are weary and heavy burdened and I will give you rest.""Be still and know that I am God.""Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding."He's got this! Now go take a nap! "Tomorrow I will wrap this up. I would love for you to click on "comments" and leave your thought on this week. Then you can read other girls' perspectives and know that you are not alone.