Marianna Soper

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Is It Up to You to Turn This Thing Around?

You know that thing in your life that is not going so well? You feel like turning it around would be like turning a cruise ship around with a paddle? Yeah, that thing.

Maybe it's a relationship, a business, a prodigal child, your health, or even just your dirty house.

You feel overwhelmed and paralyzed. It's so huge, deciding where to start is daunting, maybe even scary.

You are not alone.

Breathe. That's the first step.

Can I share my cruise ship with you? That's the second step. Tell a friend. Don't grab that paddle and wear yourself out.

As I have written previously, I recently quit my full-time job. When the dust settled, and there was space in my head for some reflection, I became overwhelmed with the state of relationships in our home. I felt disconnected from my children, saw some hurt and needs that had surfaced while I was busy with work.

I began to panic.

Our kids don't like each other. They're killing their brains with screens. They don't see Jesus in me...

I felt like a failure, frightened by what felt out of my control. Worry crept in about my children, choices they might be making. To be honest, it felt like I had to a degree, lost them already.

A ship I couldn't turn around. I thought.

I did this crazy thing. I prayed and asked Jesus what I should do. I asked him what changes I needed to make, what obstacles were keeping me from real, meaningful connections with my children.

Grace is a beautiful thing. Jesus tenderly reminded me of his grace and the redemption possible on the other side. No paddle needed.

He whispered to my heart a simple place to start. One thing. Not a list. There was no lecture, or even a sermon. There was no condemnation in his voice. Just one simple, way for him to love my kids through me.

My fear and my guilt told me that I had to get this huge ship turned around all alone, but God simply helped me turn the rudder in the right direction. I have faith that if I keep seeking Him, he will continue to whisper to my heart his love for my children. Together we will hold the rudder in the right direction and this huge ship will get turned around.

My sweet savior's grace covers me. He does not hand me a paddle and say, "now, let's see you fix this mess little girl." He is a good father.

His mercies are new every morning. Praise Him.

For even if the mountains walk awayand the hills fall to pieces,My love won’t walk away from you,my covenant commitment of peace won’t fall apart.”The God who has compassion on you says so. Isaiah 54:10 The Message