Marianna Soper

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If Life is a highway, I'm carsick!

If life is a highway, I don't want to ride it all night long. I like my sleep. If life is a highway, I would like a smooth, scenic ride without a lot of curves and hills. A beautiful view, pleasant temperatures, and definitely no potholes.

My life has been full of curves lately, so much so that last week I felt carsick! Big changes, new challenges, a HUGE learning curve! The last time I worked full time was during my 20's which was four babies, two adoptions and three moves ago. I can barely remember the twenties "me"!

Talk about hills ! The one out of my comfy blue chair to the working world has been a steep one. I've had to let go of the extra weight to keep going. Number of times I've had to stop and ask for directions? I've lost count.

Life is like a highway, constantly changing. The terrain is flat and smooth one day, and then we find ourselves on a washed out dirt road, being jostled around and straining our eyes for the first glimpse of pavement ahead.

Today, I am thankful to have rounded a huge curve in the road. There are plenty more curves and  hills ahead, but the road has straightened out for now. I'm not white knuckling the steering wheel anymore. One hand on the wheel with the radio playing a favorite tune.


I am stopping for a moment, taking a big breath of fresh air, and enjoying the view. Last week, I couldn't see around the curve that I just rounded. It just seemed like it went on and on and on. I believe life is lived best one curve, one hill at a time, knowing that we will find straight road up ahead. We will make it up that hill and get to coast for a bit.

While I was going around that curve, I learned a lot about myself; I became a better driver. I almost ran out of gas, and had to learn to stop and refuel. More than once. I've been on the learning curve.

You know what's so great about Jesus? His with me on this wild ride, not watching from above and fussing when I cross the yellow line. He is with me and for me. He knows what's around the curve and what he wants to teach me while I'm in it. It's all grace. Grace with a road map, a gas can, and a spare tire.

Thank you Jesus for helping me around that big curve. Thanks for the breather. Help me be ready for the next hill or bump in the road. Be my fuel, be my GPS, be my beautiful view, be my light when the road is dark. Thank you that I'm not alone on this journey.

Deuteronomy 31:6

New International Version (NIV)
Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.”