Marianna Soper

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I Don't Know How You Do It!

As I think about the day ahead, the needs of our family, the laundry monster lurking around the corner, and as I hear my sweet children begin 1000 statements this morning with "Mom,...", I hear your voice too. 

Those who are on the outside looking in all seem to say the same thing to me. "I don't know how you do it!"  Well, I don't. I don't ever have it all together. There are those special days when I actually made a meal from a menu I had prepared ahead, when the van doesn't look like someone lives in it, and my fifth grade son is showered and has clean teeth. Those days, however, are few and far between. 

Never in my life did I imagine myself with six children. Never. I grew up with one brother. I didn't even know anyone with this many kids. Believe me, when I had two kids, I would have crawled under the bed and hid in a fetal position if you had told me that I would have four more. 

Yes, we have more dirty socks. Yes, our grocery bill would make you cry. Yes, our schedule can get crazy. Are we more equipped to handle it? No. 

No matter what God has given us in life, he gives us what we need to manage it. There's no doubt in my mind that each of our six were a gift. Purposed for our family, for such a time as this. Whatever occupies your life, whatever gifts, tasks, callings that He has given, he has equipped you.

I cringe when I hear someone say, "God won't give you more than you can handle." I don't think some things are given to us by God. They're just part of this fallen world we live in, but God does in his infinite wisdom allow us to walk through stuff. He allows us to be overwhelmed because he is waiting for us to press into him, to lean on him, to depend on his strength and love. 

Whatever "this" is, he's got this.

With all that said, I am sharing with you in honesty about my tendency to go all super woman and try to magic lasso life on my own. 

It's silly when you think about it. I am not alone. I walk each day with the Holy Spirit living in me, his power and counsel available to me as a gift from my Father.

I have His word, a love letter written to me, full of wisdom and encouragement. 

He has given me brothers and sisters in Christ who would pray with me, for me.

Still, I put on my cape and take on life on my own. It's just as lame as the special effects in the 70's "Wonder Woman." (Sorry Lynda Carter. I loved you as a little girl.)

This crazy life I live, the one you live does not have to been done in our super woman power. Stop trying. 

When you look at someone's life, it's easy to think that they are more super than you. If you've ever looked at me or any other woman and thought "she has it together," you were wrong. 

I struggle every day, many days alone.

I'm reminding myself and you to know and rely on the love God has for us. 

1 John 4:16-18

New International Version (NIV)
16 And so we know and rely on the love God has for us.

"I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you. John 14:18