Marianna Soper

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One Question Can Change Your Walk with God

Do you want your relationship with God to change somehow? Are you jealous of someone else's relationship with Him? Do you see the Lord answering prayer in your life or do you find yourself feeling distant from Him, not really expecting him to come through for you?I see good questions as road signs that can lead us in the right direction. Honestly answering a good question can be the u-turn that we desperately need or the caution sign that saves our life.brokenI remember a counselor asking me to describe my relationship with my dad. Distant was my response. He then asked me if I thought I might see my relationship with my heavenly father in the same way. Wow. That was a loaded question. Yes. I saw God as distant in my life!Once our eyes are open to the real truth in us, then our hearts and minds become open to change.Honestly leads to brokenness and brokenness to change. Change is where the healing is, right? I wanted my relationship with my dad to change, to be healed. More than that, I wanted to experience intimacy with God. Somehow they were connected. Once I got open and honest, the brokenness came. Through that brokenness over my dad, I found healing.I've been wrestling with some powerful questions recently. If I don't open my heart and welcome brokenness, there will be no change. I want change. I want my prayer life  to be revolutionized. My heart longs for a closeness with Jesus deeper than I've ever experienced. I want more.What questions are becoming those road signs on my journey right now?

  • Do I really believe that God enjoys me?
  • Do I pray as his beloved daughter or as a girl striving to get it together in hopes that he will bless me?
  • How much of me am I willing to surrender to Him?
  • Am I willing to dig into his Word and learn the promises he has already made to me?
  • Do I trust his love for me?
  • Do I really believe he is good?

If we are willing to open our hearts to God, he will show us the truth in us. Not only that, he will hold us through the brokenness of our souls as we sit with the reality of those truths. He knows us completely and loves us despite our story. Thankfully, with him all things are possible, including change. After all, he is the change maker. Not us.brokennessLet's say, you wrestle with the question, "Do I trust God's love for me?" After examining your prayer life, your list of worries, and your checkbook register, God reveals to you that self-reliance has become your truth. Honestly, you confess that you are afraid that he won't come through for you and you are desperately trying to control life. Suddenly you're a mess because you see your truth. You don't trust God. Now what?Now you can agree with God and ask him to help your unbelief. You can ask him to show you how he has been loving you all along. He will reveal to you, through his Word the real truth of who you are and how he has fiercely loved and pursued you from the beginning. Until you are broken over your truth, your heart and mind are not open for His healing.Be brave today. Wrestle with powerful questions. Quiet your spirit and surrender your heart and mind. Invite the Holy Spirit to reveal your truth. Embrace brokenness and joyfully ask God to bring his healing. He will. He is good.

Search me, God, and know my heart;    test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me,    and lead me in the way everlasting.

Psalm 139:23-24