Marianna Soper

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He's that good.

He's that good. The kind of good that is beyond what we ask or imagine.

I remember standing at church on shaky legs, tears streaming, pushing the air out of my lungs to sing the words, "God is so good." My voice I'm sure would have been barely audible had the music been silenced. But I sang it.

Desperately hanging onto promises, choosing to believe, choosing to praise was the spiritual food that kept my soul alive.

I walked through the darkest valley of my life with a hope that only Jesus could give. I believed him when he told me that he would work it all together for my good, but I could not imagine it. I didn't even know what "good" was- what it would look like, what it would feel like when it came.

I think about the words from Psalm 139, "you know knit me together in my mother's womb..." In my darkest days when survival was all I knew to ask for, when I didn't even know what I needed, God was working. As my Father and creator, the one who delights in me simply because I am His, he saw my heart and all the unfilled places, the broken pieces and he knew. He's that good.

During those dark days, I could not imagine how God would heal the places he has healed in me. I could not imagine how he would open my heart to another. I couldn't imagine trusting again. I couldn't even imagine laughing again.

But in his goodness and his love for us, he does what he says- he works it all together for our good and his glory.

I am now walking in joy with a man who walked through his own dark valley, who chose to believe in God's goodness and faithfulness, who prayed for me before he even knew my name, who is exactly the man my heart needed. He has given two people a new future, a new love, a new hope. Beauty from ashes.

God is that good. I couldn't be more thankful.