Marianna Soper

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Have you given up on your body? 4 Things you can do today

Don't do it! There is too much at stake today! Let's just lay it out here and think through this. Do you brush your teeth? Why? Easy, right? Teeth are super beneficial for talking, chewing, and smiling. Rotten teeth hurt. Dentist bills are so annoying. Some of you may even go the extra mile and floss. Bless you. Some of you have had your teeth straightened and whitened as well.  Even if you do it all out of vanity, healthy teeth beat dentures any day! I could ask you the same question about your eyes. Most of us see a doctor if our vision isn't great. We wear contacts so that we can read and avoid wrecking our cars.

What about the rest of our body? The top five leading causes of death don't include tooth decay or nearsightedness. Yet, so of us are living a poor quality of life because we have not chosen to make our health a priority. Funny isn't it how we fuss and worry about our children's health, and push ours to the side. I've sliced apples, oranges, and carrots for my children and chosen not to eat any myself. I've totally skipped breakfast and lunch because I got so busy, I forgot my own need for food. I've also eaten an entire family-size bag of peanut M&M's in my bed while watching Pride and Prejudice.

You probably know almost all of the top five causes of death for women are preventable. You probably already know that obesity in women leads to a whole list of health issues like hear disease, diabetes, and stroke which are in the top five. Doctors are saying now that many types of cancer are preventable as well. We know that exercise is one of the first thing a doctor will recommend for a women going through depression. This is not about us being thin or cute. This is about us being here for our families. This is about the abundant life that Jesus bought for us. We have to choose to truly live this great adventure.

I am hoping that you choose today to take care of yourself. Remember the oxygen mask on the plane? Don't let all the voices in your head tell you that you don't have time. We are more valuable to our families, our jobs, our mission if we are healthy. Let's make some small choices today. Good choices lead to more good choices. After my fourth child was born and my oldest was only five, with two in diapers again I had some serious postpartum and stress. My husband was gone out of town often. I couldn't go anywhere without a double stroller, a backpack, and a serious plan. I had to do something. I started working out at a gym at 5:30 every morning. Yes, morning. It was the best thing I ever did. It was for my state of mind more than anything. Exercise reduces stress. Fact.

There are different seasons in life. You may have to change your plan as you enter into new seasons. I've exercised in my living room with a baby in the highchair watching Elmo. I've done Wii Active before I started a day of home schooling. I've taken long walks after dinner. I've taken classes at a gym. I've jumped on the trampoline. No matter what the season, there are options, and the benefits are amazing!

Make a choice today. Choose to invest in your health. I believe that our Creator wants us to choose healthy living. You won't regret it. Here are three choices you can make to a healthier you.

1.Choose to exercise 30 minutes 3-5 times/ week and put it on your calendar.
2. Pick three unhealthy foods that you eat and say, "no more."
3. Drink water.
3. Get enough sleep.

Resources are limitless when it comes to health. Everything we need is at our fingertips. There are apps for mapping your walk, hike, or run. There are calorie counting apps, nutritional blogs, fitness magazines. Workouts to do at home, gyms on every corner. Let's get educated and let's get moving. Worth the time, worth the money, worth the effort!  We might even have fun doing it...together!

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.
John 10:10

Here are a couple of resources for exercise and nutrition.

Why drink water?

super foods

Does your diet increase you chance of stroke? Diet sodas?

Workout ideas for busy women

Nutritional Supplements