Marianna Soper

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Want to Change the World? Start Talking!

Encouragement is soul medicine; we all need a good dose each day.But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called “Today,” so that none of you may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness. Hebrews 3:13My oldest child is graduating and I find myself getting sucked into a vortex of self-doubt and regret, wondering if I parented her well. I've looked back wishing I would have done this more and that less. The emotions of letting her go and wondering if I loved her well  had taken a toll on my heart.Then the graciousness of God stepped in and spoke life into me. Words of encouragement came unexpectedly at unexpected times from teachers and friends.  No one knew my struggle, yet their words were exactly what I needed. My Father knew.Whenever we find an opportunity to encourage another human, we should. The deepest pain may be hiding beneath the surface, covered with smiles and happy Facebook posts. God has given us an amazing invitation to join him in loving the discouraged, the hopeless, the depressed, the hurting, the tired, and the grieving.How good he is to allow us to share in that ministry  by simply speaking kind words, hopeful words, thankful words, affirming words, assuring words. Just a simple encouraging statement could talk someone down from a scary place. We may never know the powerful effects of our words until long after they have been spoken, but let's speak them trusting God to use them how and when he chooses.Will you speak life today to someone? The cashier at the market, the parent in the waiting room, your annoying relative, the single mom trying to make life happen, the pastor who brings us truth week after week, your rebellious child, the tired woman in the mirror?Do you need some encouragement today? Remember that God has knit you together beautifully and called you to a powerful purpose. He has redeemed you and empowered you with his Spirit. He knows your mess and offers grace upon grace. He's got you.Speak life today to someone.