Marianna Soper

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Desiring Consistency

Consistency in your spiritual life is like core strength in your physical life.But Jesus often withdrew to the wilderness for prayer. Luke 5:16We rest in the faithfulness and consistency of God; the sunrise that warmed our face today, yesterday, and the day before. We set our clocks by his consistent love.Yet, I struggle with consistency. My intentions and zeal waffle, waver, and fade. One minute I am resolute and steadfast, and the next I am distracted and off course. I set priorities that get lost in the shuffle and I fail to stick to a plan.I can't help but wonder what God could do with my consistency. If I'm honest, sometimes the only consistent thing in my life is my morning cup of coffee. Without fail, I brew a hot cup of coffee each day.What if I was just as consistent with my prayer time and Bible study time? I believe that abiding in Christ consistently can be life changing. When I am walking with Jesus daily, I am stronger. When I am surrendering to him each morning in prayer, he does big things in me and through me. When I am in his Word regularly, he gives me his wisdom and understanding.Building consistency in your spiritual life is like building core strength in your body. With a strong core, your entire body is more stable and balanced. It is something that you can work toward. Daily strengthening your spiritual core doesn't require special gifts or perfection. It only requires a choice. Making that choice day after day creates consistency and consistency builds strength.Will you begin a journey of consistency with me today? Not perfectly, but purposefully, let's choose time with God.