Marianna Soper

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Comparison Trap

I can only run my race. I can't run yours. When God created you and I, he did so with such purpose, forethought, and intention, that we are each beautifully unique. Comparison distracts us from God's personal touch.When we compare ourselves- our gifts, abilities, personalities,  we become either conceited or discouraged . If we compare our paths in life- our blessings, struggles, families, houses, and jobs, we become discontent or self-righteous.Comparison misses the gift and doubts the Giver. Everything about you reflects his perfect love for you, the love that created you and the love that sustain and shapes you. The love of the Father is perfect, so he perfectly sifts through his hands the life he gives you.Comparing takes your focus off of the path purposed for you and distracts you from your Savior who is waiting to walk down your path with you.Comparison kills gratitude before it even draws a breath.Comparison distorts our identity, and we begin to see ourselves as less than we think we should be or more than we think we are.When I look at my six children, I am amazed by how completely different they are. Their dreams, motivations, abilities, struggles. A beautiful picture of God's loving handiwork, his personal touch. I think of their purposes in God's kingdom and how he will equip each with the tools and experiences needed.There are times when I hear my children comparing themselves to each other. Their height, athletic ability, hair color, grades, but I know that each is a beautiful piece of artwork designed for a unique purpose. Accepting and embracing that will take some time and maturity.  It will truly depend on how deeply they trust in their Creator.What about you and I? When will we celebrate the love and beauty of Jesus that is woven into us?  Each  displaying his image as he chose.  I think the most beautiful women are those who see and celebrate their purpose.Let the king be enthralled by your beauty; honor him, for he is your lord.  - Psalm 45:11God has such a wild adventure in store for each of us. I don't want to miss one single part of my journey with him because I'm sitting on the sidelines wishing I had your gifts or a ticket to ride on your dream. I was designed for my life. Jesus has a purpose for me to fulfill that you can't.I want to cheer you on and I would love for you to believe in me too. God wants to shine his light through us both so that we can make him known to the world. Let's glorify him together as each other.I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. --Psalm 139:14