Marianna Soper

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Choose to Say Yes to God's Dream for You

This is day 15 of the 21 Days of Good to Me, and I am feeling great!!!! Not only am I seeing changes in the areas of health that I focused on, but I am moving forward in other areas too! I firmly believe that one good choice leads to another and soon you create momentum in your life. Part of that comes from the joy and confidence you feel as you succeed, as you reach goals.During these 21 days, we have been asking the question, "if you don't take care of yourself, who will?" I am going to take it a step further and say, "if you don't set goals for yourself to reach your dreams, who will?" God puts dreams in our hearts. He gifts us, equips us, and calls us to fulfill his purpose in a way that only we can. Pursuing that dream is part of taking care of yourself because it is part of who you are.If you have sacrificed a calling or dream that God gave you, then it's time to make some changes. True change comes from choices that we make. When will you choose to dream again. When will you say "no" to something that might be good to say "yes" to God's best for you?

Today's Good to Me Challenge

Start a vision board. If you have never heard of one, then google. It can just be inside your journal or go crazy and create a big bulletin board. Ask God to help you get reacquainted with a dream that you have forgotten.