Marianna Soper

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Are you listening to lies? Taking Care of Yourself 101

Deep inside of us girls lies a question that begs for an answer. Every. Day. It's how God, in his perfect wisdom,  designed us. Likewise, men have a question inside too (besides "when's dinner?"). In the creator's perfect plan, our questions would be answered one another, by God himself, by the beauty of his creation as a gift to us. Unfortunately, as we live life on this planet, our questions are not being answered truthfully.

In our inmost places, women want to know, "am I lovely?". (I'll let you wonder about a man's question.) Life in our culture laughs at us as we wonder. The media answers with ugly sarcasm, "you? Lovely? You are five pounds overweight and your teeth aren't gleaming white, your chest is way too small, and you need a tan. When's the last time you got color on that hair? Look at your roots!" It's not just our appearance, either. If we stay at home, the world screams for us that beauty has a career, a cute suit, and a business card. If we work, our home isn't clean and beautiful. We're even judged by the beauty of our children.

We are drawn to movies where the true beauty of a girl is not only seen, but rescued. To be truly known and seen as beautiful grips our hearts. We go to desperate measures to attain, maintain, create beauty. We hide and withdraw inside our insecurity when that beauty is out of reach. How many girls' lives have been destroyed searching for someone, something to tell them, "yes, you are lovely" ? How many of us are trapped in and endless pursuit of this beauty?

We are believing lies because we are asking the wrong people our question. This world has nothing for us, especially truth. Our God, however, the creator of everything beautiful, the one who is truth himself, is the one to ask. Just as a little girl crawls up into her daddy's lap and asks, "Daddy, do you think I'm pretty?", we need to ask our heavenly Father. Believing truth is essential in taking care of ourselves.

The king is enthralled with your beauty. Honor him, for he is your Lord.  Psalm 45:11

I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Your works are wonderful. I know that full well. Psalm 139:14

Watch this clip! You are more beautiful than you think!

Tell another woman that she is beautiful today.